Amazing Race

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Idk if any of you have seen the show Amazing Race, but it's a competition show where teams of 2 take a race around the world to various cities around the world. So one of the teams was 2 boyfriends (Will and James) and I was secretly rooting for them the whole time. My family didn't like them (they probably thought the BFs were annoying, and I don't think they liked that they were gay, idk), but I always secretly root for the LGBT people on reality shows. So the they made it to the final 3 and my family was hoping one of the other 2 teams would win. I personally didn't mind if any of the teams won because I was fine with them all, but obviously I wanted Will and James to win more than the other teams.

So they actually won and I'm trying not to smile in front of them, but internally I'm cheering and screaming. Then Will proposed to James and he said yes and AAAAAAAA it just warms my heart! I'm so happy they won the million dollars and I'm so happy they're getting married!

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