Chapter 7: First Chest

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3rd pov

"Again." Y/n told the Awoken Guardian, who was standing a few yards away from him. Crow nodded, getting into a stance which involved his hand hovering over his hand cannon

Y/n picked up an empty beer bottle and threw it up in the air. Immediately, Crow unholstered his weapon and shot the bottle, causing it to explode into little shards of glass. Y/n nodded in approval

"So, how'd I do?" Crow said as he holstered his weapon

"Your reaction time is improving, but now we'll focus on multiple targets at one go." Y/n said

Y/n then threw a fan of knives at Crow, who quickly shot the knives into pieces. However, he couldn't react fast enough when Y/n twirled Ace around his finger and shot Crow in the head, causing the Guardian's head explode in Solar energy

Glint flashed into existence, looking at Y/n and Ghost, who also flashed in

"That was a bit extreme." Glint commented, reviving Crow, who groaned in the process

"So is Mayhem." Y/n retorted back. Ghost nodded in agreement, remembering the amount of times he's had to revive his Guardian

Crow shuddered at the thought. Sure he had participated in the occasional "Control" matches, but trying out Mayhem? One can only take so much, especially with Stasis users running around. Shaking the feeling off, Crow stood up

"So, shall we continue?" Crow asked. Y/n shook his head

"We have other business to attend to." Ghost informed. Crow nodded, accepting Y/n's hand as he was pulled up

"Right now, we're stranded in this reality of Earth. The good thing is that Y/n and I are somewhat familiar with the city. Bad news is that we have no way of getting back home." Ghost explained

"You mentioned this before, of how you traveled to this reality, you had a ship." Glint mentioned

"Yes, but we also had Vex technology and Taken magic fused with the ship. I don't see a way we can obtain any of those resources." Ghost said

"Well, what do we do now?" Crow asked

"Now, you guys eat." Tom said approaching the Guardians, with Sophie and Colonel at his side. Sophie ran over and handed them both a turkey sandwich

As the duo ate their lunch Y/n noticed Crow's attention towards the Traveller, who rested above the city

"Strange, isn't it?" Y/n asked, to which Crow nodded

"It's just...the city's never been more alive." Crow said

"It does, doesn't it?" Y/n agreed

"Do you think home will ever be like this?" Crow asked again

"...Maybe one day

Ranger Academy

The silence was almost unbearable to stand for Ophelia. There she sat alone, in the Headmaster's office of the Academy she grew to resent. The temperature of the room didn't seem to help calm her nerves either, she never missed how cold it was in the office. She rolled down the sleeves of her top, it still didn't help much, the cold would only creep up her fingers sooner or later. She could leave right now, thinking how much of her time was wasted waiting for her host. But, she wouldn't be here unless she needed to be

She leaned to the right holding her head up with her hand, her arm supporting her as she placed it on the arm rest of the chair

She leaned to the right holding her head up with her hand, her arm supporting her as she placed it on the arm rest of the chair

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