Chapter 3: The Hunter

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Become the Lightning, they said
Become the staff, they said
Become the weapon, they said
We obliged

Small breaths filled the silence of the forest, with small huffs followed afterward. It was cold, but the sun rose early today, giving Sophie enough light to shine her path as she ran as fast as her small legs would allow her

"Almost there!" She thought as she ran

Sophie eventually arrived in front of a large cave where her recently made friends resided, however they were having a conversation which didn't let them notice the little girl making their way towards them

"So I think it's agreed that we are NEVER using this thing again." Ghost said, putting the emphasis in never as they talked about the device that brought them into their current situation

The Guardian nodded while the Colonel clucked. Sophie then made her presence known to the others

"Hi!" She greeted

"Sophie? What are you doing here? Do you know how cold and early it is? Also hello to you too." Ghost said concerned. It may be absurd already caring for the young human he had only met yesterday. But there was something about her that made him grow fond of the little girl, perhaps it was her innocence? Or was it the acceptance she showed when she had met them, being from another world, or dimension

"Well yea I know how cold it is, that's why I have long sleeves on!" She giggled while raising her arms up showing that her top had sleeves long enough to cover her arms

However she sneezed, then shivered a bit. Noticing this Y/n looked at Ghost who then summoned a small Hunter's cloak in his hand

Y/n kneeled down to Sophie's height level and put the cloak on her and lifted the hood over her head

Sophie admired the cloak and looked up at Y/n with stars in her eyes

"Warm enough?" Y/n asked

"Yeah!" Sophie replied

Y/n nodded and stood up. Sophie then saw the Eye, which got her attention

"What's that?" She asked

"That, is what brought us here." Ghost answered

"Here?" Sophie asked confused

"Here, as in your Earth." Ghost said, which just added more to Sophie's confusion

"Hmm, let's just say that on our Earth the Traveller is more brighter." Ghost clarified

"Oh...wait." She said, even more confused

"More will be explained soon Sophie, but right now you should go." Y/n said before looked down at Sophie

"I assume you still have school?"

"Oh yeah!" Sophie exclaimed

She started to remove the cloak to return it to Y/n. But he stopped her

"Yours now." He simply said

Sophie's eyes shimmered with a smile growing on her face. She nodded and turned. But suddenly faced them again

"Oh yeah, there's a play happening at my school and I'm in it! I was hoping you guys could be there." She asked shyly, but hoping that her new friend could be able to fulfill her request

The Guardian and Ghost looked at each other before the both nodded

"We'll be there Sophie." Ghost confirmed

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