Chapter 5: Stelf

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Y/n looked in the bathroom mirror, his new attire given to him by Tom, who went and bought new clothes for the Guardian to blend in with the crowd

Y/n looked in the bathroom mirror, his new attire given to him by Tom, who went and bought new clothes for the Guardian to blend in with the crowd

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"So, what do you think?" Tom asked Y/n, with Sophie behind him looking at the Guardian with a piece of clothing in her hand

"...why are there holes in these jeans?" Y/n asked in slight curiosity at the fashion of his clothing. Tom gave a nervous chuckle and scratched the back of his head

"Yeah, there was a big sale and those jeans were $10, pretty good deal." Tom Explained. Y/n tilted his head in confusion

"What of Glimmer?" Y/n asked

"Well, we haven't used it in a long time now. Those who still have glimmer trade it for more cash, and by more cash, I mean a mountain of it." Tom explained

"Hmm, an economic Hierarchy then?" Ghost thought out loud. Tom nodded at this

"Basically. Some of those families have children that attend Ranger Academy, either with the money they have or their social status to get them into the school. Of course no one is excepted from the trials you have to to you get in." Tom explained

Y/n nodded at this, such information would be useful in the future. He had only hoped that those families were not so arrogant with their benefits

"What of Iris? The mother of Y/n's other self." Ghost asked

"Iris? Well she's Headmaster. Nothing goes without her say, from what I've seen in recruitment ads, she mostly uses Void energy in combat." Tom said

"What can she do with it?" Ghost asked again

"Um, well she can make a dome, make a bow like Y/n just did, and throw like a big ball of energy or something like that." Tom explained. Y/n stood there, a blank expression on his face

"Is that it?" Y/n asked. Tom nodded surprised at Y/n's o'clock of shock

"Aren't you the least bit worried? I mean, she has the abilities of each class of Guardian there is, in void element that is." Tom said

"The way I see it, she's just another Monday in the Crucible." Y/n said. Sophie then walked up to Y/ n with a mask in her hand

"I bought this for you, I thought you'd like it." She said before handing it to him. He placed it over his mouth and looked in the mirror

 He placed it over his mouth and looked in the mirror

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