Chapter 2: A Light In The Sky

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3rd pov

The wind blew a chilled breeze. The sun setting off in the distance to retire and let the moon take over its spot. The sun's light shined on a large house, secluded in the comfort of the forest. Inside, little platters of running could be heard

 Inside, little platters of running could be heard

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"Daddy I'm going outside!" A voice yelled

"Alright sweetheart, but remember, don't go into the woods! I don't want you getting lost." A voice replied, this one being much deeper than the other

Bursting out the door of the house was a young girl, who ran off the porch and into the field, giggling all the way

Bursting out the door of the house was a young girl, who ran off the porch and into the field, giggling all the way

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She jumped and skipped across the field, making her way towards a tree on a hill. Climbing up the steep piece of land she sat down by a gravestone in the shape of a cross. She sat down next to it and looked up into the sky

"Mommy guess what? I got an A on my spelling test! The girl said

She looked at the grave, as if words were being spoken to her

"Yeah, I know, I'm a smart girl. That's what all my friends say." She says as she whips her hair back

"Oh, tomorrow is my Play of "The Three Little Pigs"! I'm the one with the pig that builds his house out of Bricks." She said with a smile

The wind blew across the field, moving the grass and the branches of the tree, seemingly communicating to the girl

She sighed and laid down on her back. She continued looking at the sky as it had become dark, stars twinkling across her vision

"I wish you were here to see it." The girl whispered sadly

She closed her eyes and inhaled the cold air. When she opened them she saw a single star twinkle repeatedly, then it started moving across the sky and seemingly grew every couple of seconds

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