Chapter 1: Warped

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3rd pov

"On your left!" A robotic voice warned

A shot rang out through the cave. A man in armor and a hooded cloak twirled his gun back into his holster. This was a Guardian, one of the Traveler's chosen one. He looked up from the outcome of his Vex onslaught. He held out his hand and in a small burst of blue energy a floating robotic ball appeared in his Guardian's hand. This was the Guardians Ghost

 This was the Guardians Ghost

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"That was the last of them. We're almost done. Just the Minotaur now." Ghost stated

The Guardian nodded and made his way toward the objective

"Be careful. We know that the Vex are modifying themselves somehow. After this maybe we can figure out how they're doing it. Better yet, where." Ghost said

Seeing a crack in the wall ahead of him the Guardian jumped through. Seeing as there was nothing on the other side he jumped down to the ground. But as he did a massive robotic figure jumped down from the ceiling and slammed its robotic fist down upon the Guardian. But the Guardian flipped back, becoming an embodiment purple smoke and avoiding the surprise attack in the process.

He looked up at his attacker as the machine looked back at him. Ghost, still in his head spoke to him

"That's the Minotaur. But nothing's changed about it. Wait, I'm getting an energy signature. It's the eye, it's part Taken." Ghost stated surprised

The Minotaur's eye glowed a mysterious black and grey as it looked down on the Guardian, who in response took out his revolver

The Minotaur's eye glowed a mysterious black and grey as it looked down on the Guardian, who in response took out his revolver

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A.N: Fuckin spicy

The Minotaur raised its cannon and aimed at the Guardian, who in turn aimed back at the robot

"We need that eye" Ghost reminded mentally

The Guardian nodded before he raised his gun



The Guardian walks out of the Vex base, dragging the head of the Minotaur with its eye still in its socket. A ship flies above him and he is teleported in

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