Chapter 8: We Fought An Alien

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"Left...I SAID LEFT!!!" Ghost screamed as Y/n made the abrupt turn at the direction he was told to turn in, causing the car he was driving to drift. However, his sudden action caused Ghost, Glint, and Crow, who was in the passenger seat, to hit his head on the door windshield, with Ghost and Glint trying to stabilize themselves in the air as well as Colonel flapping her wings in the chaos

"OW." The Awoken cried out. Sophie, who was in the backseat strapped in multiple seatbelts, laughed at the the scene that was currently going on


"You want us to take Sophie to school?" Ghost asked Tom, who was currently confined to his bed, a wet towel on his head and sickly pale

"If it's no bother, I can try if you have things to do-" Tom cut himself off when he started to cough uncontrollably

"We'll do it, it's the least we can do for you for letting us stay here." Crow answered for Ghost as he stood next to Y/n, Glint hovering over his shoulder

"Thank you, the keys are on my dresser." Tom wheezed out before he fell asleep. The Guardians and their Ghosts looked at the man before Crow turned to Y/n

"You know how to drive a car right?" Crow asked

Flashback End

"Sophie are you alright back there?" Glint yelled in concern as he braced himself for another turn

"I'm fine." Sophie giggled.

"Yield to pedestrians...YIELD TO PEDESTRIANS Y/N!!!" Ghost yelled


"You almost hit that biker!" Crow reprimanded Y/n

"His fault." Y/n stated

"He was in the bike lane!" Crow retorted

"Well he was getting too close to the car lane." Y/n said back. With one final turn, Y/n pulled into the drop off area for students at Sophie's school

Crow got out of the car, dressed in a clothing similar to Y/n's but white as a prominent color theme and his mask on, and stumbled to Sophie's door. He opened it for her, allowing her to step out of the car and run into the school with her little legs

"Thanks guys!" She said before entering the gates. The Guardians waved back to the child. Crow got back into the car and quickly buckled his seatbelt

"You don't need the mask anymore." Y/n told Crow. Crow looked at him, uncertainty and shock formed his face

"They don't know you, so there's no need to hide your face." Y/n stated. The words calmed Crow down, and while it wasn't for reasons he had hoped, he was happy he could walk around knowing no one would judge him

That happiness turned into horror once the car sped off, somehow faster than any sparrow he had ridden

Ranger Academy

Ophelia watched the security footage with unwavering eyes. She scanned for every detail and any slip ups the Guardian might have left in his infiltration

"Hunters are sneaky, but I've never known one to infiltrate a lab. Especially in civilian uniform." Soul stated as she played the recordings through her eye

"Means he was desperate, but also smart enough not to draw attention to himself ." Ophelia replied

"Well, it didn't work in the end now did it. Now he's got one of the strongest Warlocks on his tail now, including her trusty Ghost." Soul stated with both pride and sass

Ophelia hummed in amusement, but turned around once she heard the sound of footsteps behind her. She turned her head towards the source of the sound, only for her face to transform from calm and analytical, to livid

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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