Chapter 6: A Way Home

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The Guardian and Ghost duo were in the garage, using the tools Tom had to finish their project

"Alright, all we need now is a way to power this thing." Ghost said. Y/n looked at the machine in front of him, a hyperdrive made entirely by hand. Tom and Sophie looked at his handy work, impressed and in awe at how fast the work was done

"You made this in a day?" Sophie asked

"Yup, we did some fine work if I do say so myself." Ghost said. Y/n wiped the sweat from his forehead and gave a thumbs up at the comment

"So, how did you guys find the parts to make this thing?" Tom asked. The Guardian and Ghost in question turned to each other, hoping that one of them had an answer


"Alright Simon, hand me the coils." A man wearing a lab suit said. Simon, the boy Y/n and Ghost had met earlier, nodded and reached for the coil, that wasn't there

"Um, about that Dr. Adams?" Simon said. Dr. Adams peeked his head over to his intern and saw that the coil wasn't there either

"I swore I put it there." Dr. Adams told Simon, with enough confusion as the boy had as well

"Hey, has anyone seen the hyperdrive alluvial dampeners?" Another scientist asked

"No, but do you have the anti-matter pods?" Yet another scientist asked. Soon, everyone began questioning where all their parts went

Meanwhile, Y/n made his escape to the elevator with the missing parts everyone was looking for in his inventory

Meanwhile, Y/n made his escape to the elevator with the missing parts everyone was looking for in his inventory

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Flashback End

"We found them." Y/n said, his voice unreadable of any lie, nor truth. Tom stared at him for a few seconds before shrugging it off and took a sip of his Coffee

"Alright, anyway grab your stuff it's time for school Sophie, " Tom said

"Okay!" Sophie said as she ran upstairs to gather her belongings, leaving Tom with Y/n and Ghost, along with Colonel on the couch

"So I found a box in Sophie's room, had an Ace symbol on it. I'm guessing it's yours?" Tom said. Y/n nodded

"It's a gift from a friend?" Tom asked

"Something like that." Y/n answered. Tom nodded. He then placed the box in front of the Guardian

"Feels heavy, I'm guessing you never took it out?" Tom assumed. Y/n shook his head

"I feel like I don't deserve it." Y/n admitted. It was true, Y/n didn't feel like he deserved what was in the box. He thought that because he couldn't save the one person who gave him everything, he deserved nothing

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