Chapter 4: Unforseen Circumstances

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3rd pov

In the cave where Y/n and Ghost resided, Sophie, wearing the cloak Y/n gave her, looked upon the various items that were scattered across the place while Y/n was repairing the ship's wing

"What's that?" She asked

"A piece of scrap metal." Ghost answered

"What's that?"

"Another one of Y/n's cloaks."

"What's this?"

"Colonel's food."

"What's that?"

"A gun."

"Cool! Can I shoot it?!" She asked in excitement

"The recoil is too strong for your body to handle." Ghost explained. Sophie let out a small sigh before her eyes caught sight of a box. She walked over to it and picked it up before showing it to Ghost

"What's in this?" She asked

Ghost looked at the box intensely. Before he could answer, Y/n responded

"A memory." He said without taking his eye off from his task at hand

"A memory?" Sophie asked confused. Ghost's eye looked over at Y/n, who had stopped what he was doing and began walking over to Sophie. He stretched his palm out towards Sophie, who gave him the box. He opened it, pulling out a small piece of paper and handing it to Sophie

Sophie looked at it. It was a photo, there were four people in it, a bald woman wearing a Warlock's robe, another bald man, who instead had blue skin and wore Titan armor, an Exo wearing a Hunter's attire and had a hood on, and Y/n, who was standing in the middle of the three

However, Sophie was more focused on the Exo, who wore the same clothing as Y/n and was ruffling his hair with a giant smile on his face

"Who are they?" Sophie asked

"They are the Vanguard." Y/n answered

"What are they?" Sophie asked in confusion

"The Vanguard are a group of high rank Guardians, the best of their respective class." Ghost answered

"Ooooohhhhh." Sophie said. She then looked at Y/n

"Does that mean you're a Vanguard?" Sophie asked Y/n. He chuckled in response

"Well, that seems to be a good question." Y/n said. Sophie gained a look of confusion at his answer before continuing on with questioning, wanting to learn more about where Y/n came from

"Who's that guy?" Sophie asked, pointing at the Exo

Y/n looked at who she was pointing at, his eyes began to see the that day again, Cayde's body on the floor, hole in his chest, eyes void of life. He quickly snapped out of the memory

"He was my mentor." He answered. Sophie looked over at him

"Was?" She asked. Y/n nodded

"He died a few months ago." Y/n answered. It brought great emotional pain to say but it was true. His friend was gone. Yet while the acceptance was hard, it was part of the process of healing

"But, I thought Guardians were immortal?" Sophie asked, a trace of sadness in her voice

"If a Guardian's Ghost is destroyed, or if the Darkness is strong enough, a Guardian can die permanently." Ghost answered sadly, remembering the way Cayde's Ghost was destroyed

"...What was his name?" She asked somberly. Y/n only stared into the box, which held a few more contents, two of them being very important

"Cayde...his name was Cayde." He answered. Sophie handed back the photo, to which he put back in the box. Y/n then set it on his workbench before continuing his work

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