Chapter 2: First Assignment

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I awoke the next morning to a knock at my door. Sitting up, I yawned and stretched lazily. "Mm, I'm coming," I said to whoever was knocking at the door.
I rushed to the door, fixing my shirt quickly. I cracked open the door and peeked out, my eyes landing on Sucrose. Relieved, I opened the door and smiled. "Morning,"
"Ah," she said. "Your awake. It's time to get to work," she said quietly. "We have coffee downstairs."
I nodded. "Okay, be down soon." I closed the door and started getting ready.
I brushed my hair and ears gently, combing them into my usual look. Putting on my usual outfit, I threw open the curtains to let the sunlight through the window, only to be surprised that there wasn't any sun at all.
The sun wasn't even over the horizon yet. Morning light was only barely peeking into the streets. How early did she wake me up?
Sighing, I put my shoes on quickly before walking out the door. I'd have to get used to waking up early like this.
As I walked down the stairs, I witnessed a peculiar pair conversing in the main hall outside of the grand masters office. One girl had long brown hair, and wore a red outfit and hair ribbon. From her hip hung a pyro vision, and her mannerisms and voice gave a feeling of warmth and excitement.
The woman she conversed with was tall, and seemed to be older than her. She was blonde, her hair pulled back into a ponytail. She held an anemo vision, and she gave an aura of confidence and professionalism. So many vision users seemed to be here!
"Until she passes her test, she cannot join." The taller one said. "She has the strength, yes, but she just isn't ready."
"Jean, she's been trying for a few years now," the girl with the red outfit said. "Besides, I'd argue she's been ready."
"Amber, I understand why you feel that way," Jean said. "But Noelle can join when she passes, and that's final."
Amber sighed. "Alright," she said, slightly disappointed. She turned to my direction. "Oh! You're new, right?"
My ears perked as I realized she had spoken to me. "Yeah, I'm y/n." I nodded.
Amber walked towards me quickly with a big smile on her face. "Nice to meet you! Outrider Amber!" She said, pointing to herself. "I'm the best outrider in Mondstadt! Although, probably because I'm the only one." She laughed.
I smiled at her eccentric introduction. Amber grabbed my hand and led me over to who I presumed to be Jean. I smiled nervously and gave a short wave, a little intimidated to be meeting someone so high on the pecking order.
"Welcome," she smiled warmly. "Sucroses sister, yes?" I nodded. "I won't keep you for long, I know you have work to do. My name is Jean, I'm the acting grand master until Varka returns."
I nodded, "Its nice to meet you, Jean."
She gave a nod, before turning to open the door to her office. "I've got work to do," she began. "Amber," Jean said, and Amber perked up, facing Jean attentively. "Do another patrol around the area again, hillichurls are starting to move close to the city once more."
Amber nodded before rushing out the door, gone in a flash. She sure ran quickly!
"Y/n?" I heard Sucroses voice behind me. I turned to face her, her head peeking out the door to the lab. I turned back to Jean for just a moment, only to see she had already disappeared behind the door.
Walking to the lab, I saw Sucrose holding a cup of coffee in her hand, which she gave to me as I reached the door. I stepped inside, taking a sip of the coffee. "Mm, this coffee is really good!" I said.
"Jean made it," Albedo said, not looking up from his desk. "She makes the best coffee," he smiled warmly as he looked over his notes.
He was right, it was the best coffee I had ever drank. The hot drink went down the hatch easily, waking me up from my drowsy trance.
"Phew, okay." I said, breathing deeply as I set the now empty mug down. "What's in store for today?"
Albedo raised a note up to the light, examining it closer. "Can you sketch by chance?"
I tilted my head, slightly confused. "Yeah, I can do that." I said. "Why do you ask?"
He set the note down. "I need you to go sketch and collect a mist flower for me," he began. "I'm looking over old sketches and they seem a little different to the ones I see now. I want to ensure the environment isn't undergoing any major changes." He looked at me for a moment before gathering a notebook and some charcoal pencils. "Afterwards, strike this flint and collect the mist flower corolla for me. The sparks should warm it up enough to be plucked." He set a couple pieces of flint down.
I nodded, gathering the items in my arms. "Here," Sucrose said as she held a bag open for me. I muttered a thank you before heading out the door. "Hurry back! Don't get in trouble!" She shouted after me. Sucrose was always protective of me.
I pushed the door open and just barely jumped out of the way of a small blonde child wearing a red dress. She carried a backpack almost as large as herself, and I noticed the glow of a pyro vision on it. Even a child as young as her could get one?
"Oh!" She yelled. "I'm sorry!" Suddenly, she gasped. "Your ears! Are you Sucroses sister?"
I smiled warmly. "Yes! My name is y/n," I did my best to match her excited attitude. "What's your name?" I asked.
"Spark Knight Klee of the Knights of Favonius, reporting for duty!" She yelled, and then gave me a hard salute. Klee tried to keep a serious face, but the corners of her mouth turned to a slight smile.
"It's nice to meet you Klee," I began. "I have to go do some work, I'll see you around!"
She gave an excited wave way above her head before turning and running into the lab. I heard Albedo say her name in joy before the door closed. She must be fond of him, I thought to myself.
And off I set, strolling past the gates of Mondstadt and down the dirt path in search of mist flowers.

Through Thick and Thin- Diluc x (female) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now