Chapter 21: The Rescue Mission

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"Watch it!" I snapped as I was shoved to the ground. "I know how to sit down myself, you know."
"I'm aware," the treasure hoarder said, a smug look on his face.
"What, still mad at me?" I asked as the other men moved in.
They gathered my hands behind me, securing them to the small tree with rope. Looking around, I saw a couple tents and a bonfire where several of them gathered.
"Tch," He glared at me, kicking my leg. "Watch your tongue."
I spat at the ground. "Watch your foot..." I mumbled. He turned to join his friends at the campfire, and I shifted uncomfortably. I know they're thieves and such, but they could have made this a little more comfortable...
Sighing, I looked up to the sky and listened in to their conversation. The sun was beginning to set, and it would be dark within an hour or so. It looked like I was spending the night stuck to a tree.
"I told you, she's not going anywhere," one said, and I could tell he was rolling his eyes.
"Just making sure. She's our golden ticket, after all."
"So... what are we going to do with her?"
"I've already sent the letter to the Winery, he's got it by now."
"And if he doesn't leave the mora?"
"I told him I'd remove a finger every night he didn't turn the mora in," he laughed, and I felt slightly sick. "He's not going to have to worry about that."
I raised an ear. Not going to have to worry? That meant something bad, I could tell.
"Eh? You don't mean..."
"Yeah, I do. That guy has messed us up for too long. It's time we get him out of our hair, her too while we're at it."
I felt my heart sink, and my stomach clenched. They wanted us dead. By, little did I know at the time, a friend had been observing, and coming up with a plan to help me.

As the moon shone brightly, Albedo, Sucrose, Razor, Amber, Kaeya, and Diluc set foot into the forest. Razor led the way, and a sense of unease settled into everyone.
"Do we all remember the plan?" Asked Diluc, who followed behind Razor. "We have to do this exactly right, or else she may end up hurt."
"Will you be alright?" Sucrose asked, following in the back of the group. "It just seems a little risky..."
"He will be okay," Razor said as he led the group. "We will watch your back, Diluc."
Diluc was silent for a moment. "Are we nearly there?"
Razor nodded. "It is just up ahead, everyone must be quiet," He turned and put a finger over his lips, indicating silence was necessary.
A few minutes later, razor slowed down as the fire of the camp could be seen glowing in the distance. He pointed to it, stopping. "Everyone can see?" He whispered.
"Yeah," Kaeya said, eyeing it carefully.
Amber leaned towards Razor. Crystal clear," she remarked quietly.
"Are we ready?" Albedo asked, taking a step forward.
Diluc nodded. "Lead the way, Razor."

I sighed as I shifted uncomfortably. It was somewhat chilly out, and I was stuck there tied to a tree in the middle of the night. They hadn't even bothered to put me close enough to the fire to get any warmth, either.
My arms were sore. My head hurt from exhaustion, and I was unbelievably tired. Try as I might, I just couldn't sleep. I wished I had known what that bad feeling was, and maybe I wouldn't have been in that situation.
Maybe Diluc wouldn't have been in this situation...
I eyed the remaining treasure hoarders, who had decided to take watch for their comrades. There were at least 5 of them at the fire, but another dozen or so spread out among the tents. Three of them sat around the fire laughing, while the other two took their job a bit more seriously.
The two alert ones gazed around the trees and occasionally at me. I wondered if I could run fast enough, if I got myself out of the ropes. I felt as though I could run somewhat fast, but I still had a disadvantage. I was exhausted.
Even if I managed to free myself, there was no way I could run for long. And that's if I even managed to stand up, much less escape the ropes. I hit the back of my head against the trunk of the tree lightly. "Come on, think, think..." I said to myself quietly.
My ears perked as I picked up a sound in the distance. I glanced at the treasure hoarders, who were none the wiser. They didn't have hereditary ears like mine, and were around plenty of noise. The crackle of the fire, the laughter of their comrades...
I wondered if I should say something, if it was a wild animal their precious hostage would be eaten. However, I decided to wait and listen for longer.
The closer the sounds got, I was able to make out footsteps. Very faint, but there were several different people. They were treading carefully, trying not to alert the treasure hoarders.
Soon, I heard them split off. I lost track of a few of them, but at least two were headed my way. I could only guess that the other footsteps were heading to different parts surrounding the camp.
I scanned my surroundings, wondering if I could catch a glimpse. Had Diluc managed to track me down? And who did he bring with him?
I gazed to my right tiredly, but my eyes widened when I saw who it was. I shook my head, waking myself up.
Hiding behind a tree was Razor, his red eyes seemingly glowing. He was at an angle where I could see him fine, but the tree covered his position from the treasure hoarders. Razor put a finger over his mouth, motioning for me to be quiet.
He pointed his finger at me, and then to the treasure hoarders. Trying my best not to jump with joy at the sight of help, I kept my face straight and my head forward. Pretending Razor wasn't there, my heart raced alongside my thoughts.
Diluc came to help me. Razor was here to help me. Who else did they bring? I heard another set of footsteps to my left this time, hiding in a similar position as Razor. I dared not turn my head, in fear the enemy would notice them.
I waited for a few minutes in silence, my heart beating so loudly I heard almost nothing else. I was excited, fearful, nervous, and joyful all at once. These emotions surged through me as I waiting restlessly for something to happen.
Time passed unbelievably slow. Suddenly, I heard footsteps again on the other side of the camp. They seemed loud, and confident. Whoever was walking like that was attempting to get attention from the treasure hoarders, and it worked splendidly.
The all stood up, facing the direction the sound came from. "Who goes there?" One shouted, taking a step forwards.
I began to see a tall figure emerging from the woods. Looking at the shape of their clothing, they their hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail... I knew who it was instantly.
My heart raced as I felt both happy and worried. He came for me, but... what if he got hurt? The soreness in my arms was forgotten as I watch Diluc emerge from the woods, his arms raised to the sides as though he were introducing himself. "I'm glad I found the right place," he spoke loudly.
He glanced over at me, our eyes meeting for a moment. His demeanor stuck, and his eyes returned to the enemy. "I didn't put our location in the letter," One said.
The treasure hoarder pulled a crossbow. "Now now, don't worry about that," Diluc said, putting his arms before him. "I was a little concerned that the mora would be taken by someone else if I left it at the cart."
"So?" The treasure hoarders said, loading his crossbow. "I don't buy it for a second."
Diluc shrugged. "I'm only here to bring the mora to you directly, and take y/n home."
The treasure hoarders eyes were all on Diluc. None had left their tents yet, either they didn't notice or chose not to come out, although I wasn't sure which.
"We told you not to interfere directly," Another said cautiously. He was the one who had robbed me, or at least tried to before Diluc helped me out.
"Hey, you seem familiar," Diluc said, pointing that fact out. "Do you have it out for me now? Still angry?"
"Don't push it, buddy," he raised his crossbow at Diluc. I reluctantly stayed quiet. If Diluc didn't stop, he was going to be shot. "I'm warning you."
"I've changed my mind, I think," Diluc said. "I don't believe I will be giving you any mora."
The hoarder took aim, only for a flaming arrow to whizz from my left and strike the weapon right out of his hand. He yelled in surprise, shaking his hand to make sure it was still attached. "Get out here!" He yelled at the tents.
Another arrow flew past me again, this time hitting one of the tents. It instantly became cloaked in flames. Those fire arrows... could they be who I thought they were?
I heard quick footsteps on my right. Finally, I snapped my head towards him. "Razor!"
"Shh," he said, running to untie my bindings. "We have to go, while they are busy. Do not alert them here."
I nodded, feeling the bindings start to come loose. "Can you run?" Razor asked me as he fiddled with the ropes.
I shook my head. "Razor, I'm exhausted. If I ran, I doubt I could do it for long."
He nodded, the ropes finally coming loose. "Go over there," he pointed to my left. Rubbing my freed wrists, I followed his finger. "Amber is there. She will protect you."
I nodded, and Razor stood up. He offered me a hand, pulling me to my feet. He turned, getting read to join the battle. "Razor?" Razor looked back, awaiting my statement. "Thank you."
Razor nodded before running down to join Diluc. I didn't watch him for long, running as quickly as my weak legs could take me. I followed the direction the flaming arrows flew from, and soon discovered Amber taking residence near the trees.
"Amber?" I asked, out of breath.
"Y/n! You're okay!" She stopped shooting for a moment and turned to me. "You can't run? That's okay. If you have the strength, your bow is there," she pointed at my bow, leaned against a tree. I had never heard Amber sound so concerned before, she fired statement after statement at me.
"I'm exhausted, Amber," I said, stumbling towards my bow. "But I can't let you guys fight alone. It wouldn't be fair, would it?"
"Come on, y/n!" Amber exclaimed excitedly. "That's the spirit!"
I grabbed my bow and strung my quiver over my back. Pulling an arrow, I got ready to notch before Amber stopped me.
"Wait, here," she said, the tip of her arrow lighting up. She touched it to mine, the flame spreading.
The fire lit my face up, and I felt relief that we were going to be fine. "That's pretty useful," I said to Amber, who cheered me on.

Through Thick and Thin- Diluc x (female) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now