Chapter 33: My Own Thoughts

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Sucrose sat nervously with Kaeya and Albedo in the tavern. She didn't usually go with them, but decided to since she expected y/n to be there. It had been a bit of time since she had spent some time with her sister, after all.
"Relax, y/n will be fine," Kaeya reassured her, sipping his wine. "She's with Diluc, he keeps a close watch on her, you do know."
"I know, but..." she sighed, slumping in her chair. "I'm just nervous, she's always back before dark."
The sun had set an hour ago, and the tavern was bustling as usual. Patrons filled both floors, and a small line had formed at the bar. Charles was mixing drinks quickly, trying to keep up with the demand.
Just as Sucrose was really starting to get worried, a tall woman entered the tavern and headed straight for the table. She glanced at Kaeya and rolled her eyes slightly.
"I knew I'd find you here," she said. Her dark pink hair was tucked neatly under the nuns headdress. Although she may have looked the part, she was fair from church material.
"Ah, Rosaria!" Kaeya said, raising his glass for a moment. "Skipped evening mass? Again?"
"Don't be ridiculous," she said, her somewhat harsh voice surprising Sucrose. "Of course I did. Here," she raised an envelope, sealed neatly with wax. "This letter popped up outside the church. The dimwit bird had the wrong address. It's meant to go to Albedo and Sucrose, but I figured you'd be here with them. At least one of them," she stole a slight glance at Albedo before setting the letter on the table.
She pushed it towards Sucrose. "Here, they're too busy 'talking' to take the time to read it."
Sucrose picked it up cautiously before reading the front. "From Diluc?" Sucrose said, slightly worried. "Y/n was there today... did something happen again?" She asked herself.
"Again?" Rosaria said, confused.
"She got into a bit of trouble recently," Sucrose said, nervous towards the stranger. "It's a long story. Anyways, she tends to spend time there after work."
"The winery?" Rosaria said, taking a seat at the table. "Y/n must have really scored."
"No, it's... not like that," Sucrose said hesitantly. "Well... sort of. Long story..."
She opened up the letter, and began to read it to herself.
Sucrose and Albedo,
I'd like to apologize if I might have worried you. Y/n and I were playing chess and the time simply got away from us. She was nervous about going out after dark, and I didn't want her in trouble again either. I offered for her to stay in a spare room for the night, and I'll ensure she returns safe tomorrow.
Sincere apologies,
"Oh thank Barbatos..." Sucrose said with relief.
"She's fine?" Kaeya said, stepping out of his conversation with Albedo.
Sucrose nodded, sliding the letter to him and Albedo. "It got dark, so y/n is staying there for tonight."
Kaeya raised a brow. "Oh?"
"Ah! N-not like that!" Sucrose said, her face slightly red.
"It seems like that to me," Rosaria said with a slight smile.
"You would know," Kaeya said jokingly, rolling his eye. "Sucrose, I told you y/n would be fine."
"I just... can't help but worry, it's like crisis after crisis for her..." Sucrose said, looking away in thought. "At least she's safe."
"Diluc will take care of her, he always has," Albedo spoke up.
"I suppose you have a point, Kaeya," Rosaria replied to Kaeyas previous comment. She stood up to walk to the bar, although Sucrose was sure she would return with a drink.
Sucrose became lost in thought. What if... it was like that?

I carefully unwrapped the bandages, Diluc sitting down on the couch. He was trying his best to be still as I removed the cloth, revealing his wound.
"Hm... it looks better today," I said, noting the difference. I grabbed a cloth from the side table and dipped it in the water, squeezing out the excess. "At least you'll probably end up with a cool scar, right?"
Diluc chuckled a little. "Maybe. I'm just glad we won't end up with matching ones."
I chuckled for a moment before dabbing the injury with clean water. He shivered for a second, and then was still again. "Is it too cold?" I asked.
"No, it's fine," Diluc said, watching the fire. "It still doesn't hurt, not since last night."
"It's not numb, is it?" I asked him nervously. If it was numb, it could be a sign of further nerve damage.
He shook his head. "No, it just doesn't hurt. I can feel it fine, it's a little sensitive even, but no pain."
"Hm, that isn't bad," I said, setting the cloth aside. I popped open the jar with the salve inside, spreading the red jam on my hand. "I'm going to put the salve on now, okay?"
"Alright," he said, looking over. He glanced at his wound for a moment before returning to look at the fire.
"I'll try not to press too hard," I said, carefully spreading the salve over the injury. I studied it as I did so, mentally noting the improvement. Swelling was down to almost nothing, and the wound had started to scab over nicely. "It definitely looks better today. It's still bruised, but it should heal up mostly before we leave for Liyue."
Diluc sighed in relief as the salve went over his skin. "I wouldn't want to travel to Liyue while this is still bothering me."
I began to wrap him with the new bandage, hiding the injury away from sight. With it covered up, Diluc started to relax a little more.
"It's getting late," he said, sliding his shirt back on over his head. "Why don't I show you where you can sleep?"
"Sure thing," I said, standing up.
Diluc walked to the door opening it. "Follow me," he said, stepping into the hallway.
As he said, I followed him out of the library, and he began to walk down the dark hall in the opposite direction from where we came from to get to the library. He stopped at the closest door, gesturing to it.
"Here, there's a spare room inside," he pointed further down the hallway. At the end stood another door. "I'm staying in there, so knock if you need anything, alright?"
I nodded, "Okay," I opened the door, taking a step through the doorway.
A strange feeling caused me to stop, and look at him as he turned.
Diluc headed for his room, but I spun around and carefully grasped his sleeve, stopping him. My face went red when I did, and I wasn't entirely sure why I had stopped him in the first place.
"Is everything okay?" He asked as he turned around again, concerned.
I stood there for a moment, nervous. "Thank you..." I said quietly, looking away. I felt bad, as though I had imposed on him in some way by staying the night. But was that really the only reason I had stopped him?
"It's alright, I really don't mind," Diluc said, looking at me with a slight bit of worry.
I felt the urge to pull him in for a hug, or even another kiss, but I hesitated. Letting go of his shirt, I wished I had taken the chance as he continued on to his room.
I suddenly remembered Ambers advice once more. If you aim too long, your shot will surely miss... but the chance had already slipped away.
"Stupid, stupid..." I muttered to myself as I closed the door, walking over to the decently sized bed.
Sighing, I sat down on the bed and rubbed my eyes. Looking on the bed, I noticed a spare set of pajamas. I cocked my head when I saw the loose fitting shirt and pants.
Picking them up and examining them, they were simple but comfortable looking. "Huh... how did these even get here?" I asked myself, before noticing a note on the nightstand.
I grabbed the note and read it over.
I overheard that you plan to stay in our spare bedroom. I apologize if it seems as though I'm being overbearing, but I heard as I passed by the library and could not help but set aside some spare clothing.
"Adelinde?" I turned the note to see if there was any more, but it was blank. Feeling slightly nervous, I realized that she could have heard more and not disclosed it. Had she heard when I fell from the bookshelf?
I shook my head, trying to ignore my own thoughts. Adelinde probably hadn't, and what was I worried about anyways? It's nice to as if there was much to hear. It was only a private moment... that felt quite special to me, now that I thought about it.
I changed into the clothing and slipped under the covers. They were soft and warm, but something made it hard to sleep. Was the fabric too stiff? We're the sheets too light or too heavy?
Or are my own thoughts keeping me awake?

Through Thick and Thin- Diluc x (female) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now