Chapter 40: Xiao

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The stranger leapt into action, quite literally. He ran at the monster with incredible speed, leaping high into the air. The lawachurl barely had time to react before he turned his polearm downwards, plunging at the beast from above.
A wave of the black smoke spread from the body of the lawachurl, moving across the ground like a shockwave. It collapsed easily. Was it dead?
Plucking his polearm from the lawachurl, he jumped down from the top of it before removing his mask. He looked over us with an expression I couldn't quite describe. I couldn't tell if it was good nor bad. An equilibrium of frustration and boredom.
After studying us for a moment, he turned and began to walk away. "Hey, wait just a second!" I called out to him, but he just kept walking.
"Hold on a moment," Diluc called for him too, wanting answers just like I did.
He stopped for a moment, turning his head towards us. "What? Is there something else you need?" He said, annoyed.
"What was that thing?" I asked, glancing at what seemed to be a now normal lawachurl. "That wasn't a normal lawachurl!"
"What an astute observation," he said sarcastically, turning fully towards me. "No, that was a demon."
"A... what?" I said, confused. I looked back over to it. Still, it seemed like a lawachurl to me. "A demon?"
"You humans never learn, do you?" With that, he continued in into the trees, disappearing from sight.
"Humans?" Diluc said, confused. "Is he not human himself?"
"I... don't know," I said, a million questions racing through my mind. "Who is he?"

We returned to the inn, greeting the manager. He clapped his hands together excitedly. "So, are they gone?"
"Yeah," I said, smiling a little.
Diluc and I had agreed to keep what happened quiet for the time being. What had happened was strange indeed, we hadn't even killed that lawachurl ourselves. It wasn't as if anyone would believe us, either.
"Why don't you go sit at a table? Let them know about our deal, and they'll serve you anything you need!" He said, happy to help.
"Are you sure?" I asked, hesitant to collect the reward. I was still set that it wasn't really us who had completed the request. "We can pay just fine..."
"Nonesense! No commission goes unpaid, my friend," he said, starting to walk away. "I have business to get to, have a good evening."
I sighed, turning to Diluc. "Why don't you pick a table? I'm going to go back to the room and grab a coat, it's getting a little cold," I looked out the balcony, watching the sun begin to set.
Diluc nodded. "Sure. Meet me down there when you're all ready," He turned and walked to the elevator, giving me a short wave before stepping on and beginning his descent.
I walked up the steps, past the balcony at the top. Something in my mind went off about the balcony. Someone was standing there before when I was on my way to the room, right? Seeing that no one was there now, I ignored the feeling and returned to my room.
After grabbing the coat and slipping it on, I walked down the hallway again. When I reached the stairs, my eyes darted to the side in surprise. This time, someone was at the balcony.
I couldn't believe it. That man we had seen before was standing on the balcony, observing the landscape. From his waist hung the mask, still dripping with the odd elemental energy.
I stood there, unsure whether to approach. My decision was made for me when he turned his head to the side, noticing me watching him.
"Hm? You?" He asked, a little surprised that he had stumbled upon me again. "I didn't know you were staying here."
"I could say the same," I said, walking towards him. "Who are you?"
"Why does that concern you?" His tone seemed uninterested and unfriendly, but I just had to know.
"You helped us out back there," I said, mentioning our previous encounter. "And I appreciate it. But you intrigue me. The least you could tell me is your name, right?"
He thought for a moment. "My name is Xiao."
"I'm y/n," I said, holding my hand out for him to shake.
He glanced at it before returning to looking at the landscape. "I don't have time to mingle with humans. I wasn't there to help you, I was only doing my duty."
"Killing that thing?" I asked, putting my hand down.
"That's it. Nothing more," he said, still looking off towards the setting sun.
"Would you like to join Diluc and I? I'll buy dinner, or desert if that's what you'd prefer," I said, offering him food. "I know your intention wasn't really to help us, but it's the least I could do."
He looked over to me for a moment. "The offer is... considerate. However, I will have to pass," Xiao said, declining.
"If you change your mind, feel free to join us," I said, although I was sure he wouldn't. Xiao seemed like he wanted to be left alone, so I decided I would do just that. "Thanks again."
I waved to him before descending the stairs and getting on the elevator. I watched the sky as I went down, the orange of the sunset fading into purple as the sun went below the horizon.
I stepped off and soon found Diluc sitting among the other tables. "Hey, sorry I took a while," I said, taking a seat.
Diluc turned to me and smiled, handing me a menu. "No worries. I've already informed them, and we can pick anything off this menu."
I nodded, taking it in my hands. Before I looked it over, I turned to Diluc. "I met that guy. He's staying here."
He froze, looking over to me. "You did?"
I nodded again. "Yeah. He said his name is Xiao. I offered him to join us, but he declined."
"Did he say anything else?" Diluc set his elbows on the table, folding his hands together in thought.
"He didn't seem too keen on conversation, if I'm being honest," I said, looking down at the menu. "Xiao also mentioned he was there for that demon, and we just happened to be there. I don't think he wants us to take his actions as compassion."
"It seems not," Diluc said, intrigued by Xiao.
"He kept referring to you and I as 'humans.'" I noted, also intrigued by the strange man. "While he's definitely not wrong, it's strange to me. I mean, I don't walk around calling you 'human', do I?" I said.
Diluc chuckled. "I can't say I recall such a thing. Why don't we research some other time? There must be someone who knows about it."
"Agreed," I turned my attention back to the menu, looking it over. "Hm, let's see... vegetarian abalone, noodles with mountain delicacies... these all sound kind of new to me."
"I think I'll try the noodles. I've had them in Liyue before, and they are good," Diluc noted, setting his menu down.
"I think I'll get the bamboo shoot soup," I said, wanting something a little lighter on my stomach. "I'd get the almond tofu for desert, but I think I might overeat if I do," I laughed.
"No worries," Diluc said, taking my menu. He set it on top of his on the table for the waiter to collect. "We can always try it when we come back through on the way home."
"Sounds good to me," I said, stretching.

Through Thick and Thin- Diluc x (female) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now