Chapter 7: Picnic

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The next day, work seemed to move by slowly. Perhaps I was anxious in anticipation of the picnic with Diluc?
"You seem to have a lot on your mind," Sucrose said as I scribbled down simplified notes. "Is something wrong?"
"No, actually," I said, taking in the information as I simplified it. "The opposite. I'm going on a picnic, do you still have the picnic basket and blanket that we used to use as kids?" I looked up to her, an ear raised innocently.
She raised an ear in opposing confusion. "You're going outside the walls? Aren't you worried that something will happen again?"
I shook my head and continued with my work. "It's okay, Diluc is coming with me. I'm going to Wolvndom, if you need to know," I added, as I knew she would ask me where I was headed.
"I still have it," She said. "What are you headed out for? Is it a... date?" She said the last word quietly, her ears down as she leaned to me secretively.
I felt my face go red. "No, it's not like that..." I said quietly, hoping Albedo was buried in his work like always. "I'm just picking some wolfhooks and he offered to come with me, and I accepted because I am a bit nervous. I figured I'd offer lunch as thanks while I was at it, of course."
"Hm... well, if you say so," She pushed her glasses up. "It's in my room. I'll grab it for you before you leave the lab."
"Okay, sounds good." I suddenly froze as I read the notes, my ears raised in alarm. "Wait a second, I think you might have made a mistake. This is a record number for elemental energy in a mist flower. Like... record breaking record."
I looked up in confusion. She turned and her ears twitched. "No... you read it right, I'm afraid."
"This is more odd than I thought it would be," I said, simplifying it as 'record breaking' in the notes. I felt my ears go flat as I thought about what it could mean. "I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a really, really bad thing."
Albedo spoke up from his desk. He was twirling the flower between his gloved fingers. His breath could be seen in the air, indicating that the air around him was cold. By now, the flower should have at least started to lose some of its energy.
"I have to wear gloves just to touch it for a prolonged period," Albedo said as he kept his eyes locked on the flower. "It's even colder than yesterday," He put it back in the jar and sealed it. "The Corolla is becoming ice again. It's regenerating to how it was before you plucked it."
I stood up, my ears perked. "That's crazy! This is unheard of..."
"Yes," Albedo said as he set the jar on his desk. "That's why it took us all day to search the library yesterday and we still found nothing. Sucrose, we should really report this to the adventurers guild. The issue has become more pressing."
She nodded quickly before beginning to write her letter to the guild. I sat back down with my hand to my chin. What could this possibly mean?

I carried the basket with the blanket inside down the steps and towards good hunter. When I reached the restaurant, I set the basket on the surface as I thought about what to get.
"What do you think is good for a picnic?" I asked the lady behind the counter.
She put her finger to her chin for a moment. "I recommend some chicken mushroom skewers, or even some of our mushroom pizza," She smiled. "Grand master Jean really likes the pizza here."
"Hm..." I thought. "Well, if she likes it I'll try it. Will it fit in the basket okay?"
She nodded. "It will. I'll get started on that right away."
I took a seat at a table while I waited for the pizza. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. My ears perked suddenly as I jumped a little.
"Ah!" I turned, and sighed a breath of relief to see who I was waiting for. "Diluc, you startled me," I laughed.
He pulled his hands away as he smiled ever so slightly. "I apologize, I didn't mean to." He took a seat at the table with me. "What did you end up deciding on?"
"I ordered some of the mushroom pizza to take with us," I felt nervous suddenly. "We can order something else still, if you want to."
He raised his gloved hand gently. "No need, I've been meaning to try it for some time now."
I relaxed as I realized I had made the right choice with food. My ears went back to their usual spot as I calmed down.
"Y/n, mushroom pizza for you!"
"Oh! That was fast." I quickly stood up and walked to the counter. I dropped some mora in her hands and then stopped. "How did you know my name?"
"Jean comes here often, we talk sometimes." She smiled slightly. "She said Sucroses sister y/n came in. I figured you were her, since your ears are definitely rare. The only other people I've seen with them besides you and Sucrose is Diona."
"Diona?" I said curiously. "Who is she?"
She set the packaged box containing the pizza on the counter. "She's a bartender at the cats tail. Fitting name, no?" She laughed, and I smiled myself at the joke. "You should stop by there . She makes the best cocktails I've ever tasted."
"I'll have to stop by sometime." I said, putting the box in the basket. "Take care!" I waved as I walked back to Diluc, who stood up from the table as I did.
"Diona?" He said as we began to walk down the street towards the gate. "I've seen her around, but she always give me strange glares. I'm not sure why."
He put a finger to his chin in thought. "Who knows," I said, carrying the basket carefully.

Through Thick and Thin- Diluc x (female) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now