Chapter 19: Where is she?

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Diluc searched through the woods, looking carefully at the ground to find her missing arrow. He bent down and picked it up, breathing a sigh of relief after having finally found it. "It's been a couple moments, I should get back to her..."
As Diluc approached the clearing, he heard a voice. He slowed down, sneaking towards the area. Who was talking to her? A feeling of dread began to wash over him, but he stayed quiet.
"Don't!" It was y/n, and she didn't sound too happy. "He'll be back any second and then all of you are screwed!"
"Then you better put that bow down before he does," said a voice that was somewhat familiar to him. "Or they'll shoot."
It took everything Diluc had not to charge in. Y/n's safety was his top priority, no matter what. He wasn't sure what it was about her, but he wanted to protect her. Diluc would protect any innocent person of course, but she felt different to him. He couldn't quite place his finger on it at first.
"Fine," Her voice sounded shaky, and he heard the clank of a bow hitting the ground. "Just... don't shoot him."
Me? Diluc thought to himself, concerned. Y/n... worry about yourself, please...
Diluc peeked out, the figures approaching y/n. One of them grabbed her arm, and she yanked away. "I can walk fine."
Diluc was furious. He clenched his fists as y/n reluctantly followed the men. Noticing their bandanas, Diluc could figure out they were treasure hoarders. He was able to work the situation out quickly in his head. Ransom.
After all, it wasn't his first time dealing with such a group.
It took everything he had not to yell after her, his anger welling up inside him. When they were gone, he jumped up, running to the center of the clearing. He took her bow in hand, clutching it with uncertainty.
He knew she would likely live, so long as he paid the ransom. But there was no telling the condition she would be returned. She was stubborn, after all. He could tell that much about her when she refused to accept her drink for free.
"Dammit y/n..." he said, not knowing what to do. "I'm sorry..."
Yelling in fury, he ran at the tree where y/n's arrow remained. A perfect shot. And he still hadn't seen her pull off that trick.
With his free hand, he yelled as he punched the tree as hard as he could, trying to blow off steam. It had been a long time since he had been that angry. Not since-
Diluc suddenly heard the snap of a twig in the distance, and he spun around to face it. "Who are you?" He shouted.
Perking from behind the tree... was Razor. "Razor?" Diluc asked, confused.
"I heard... yelling," He said, stepping into the clearing. "What happened? Where is y/n?" He spoke quietly. He knew right away something was wrong, judging from the lack of y/n and Dilucs apparent fury.
The reality of the situation hitting him again, Diluc sat against the tree. He slumped down in defeat, not knowing what to do. "I don't know."
"Is she... going somewhere?" Razor said, trying to find the words. "Is she hurt?"
"She might be soon if I don't do something," Diluc said, sitting up. He held the bow in his hands, wishing that she was holding it instead. "She was taken," Diluc tried to explain it in a way Razor might understand.
"Which way?" Razor said, scanning the clearing.
Diluc pointed in the direction that they went, and Razor went to run that way. "Razor, no!" He stopped Razor, a hand on his shoulder. "They want something from me, if we try to help now they may hurt her," Diluc said, worried.
Razor nodded. "You, get help," He said, pointing towards the path out of Wolvndom. "I will find her. When I do, I will find you."
"Razor, do you know where Dawn Winery is?" Diluc asked urgently.
Razor nodded. "Bennet and me went nearby one time."
"If you find y/n, please... come find me there." Diluc said, his heart racing. "If you don't, come to the Winery anyways and we will plan."
Razor nodded. "Me and my lupical will find her," He turned, his electro vision glowing purple light on Dilucs face. "I promise."
Razor gave his promise before running in that direction, full tilt. He gave a quick whistle, and Diluc could have sworn he saw wolves running alongside him before Razor disappeared into the trees.
Diluc stood there for a moment, trying to process what happened. Remembering his situation, he jumped into action. He strung the bow over his shoulder, deciding to take it with him.
Diluc hesitated before he left. Looking back at the basket and the half finished pizza, he debated taking it back now. But she was in trouble, the basket would have to wait.
He took off, heading straight for Mondstadt.

Diluc tore through the gates, past the guards who questioned why he was running. He didn't have time to answer their questions, he needed to find him right away.
Past good hunter Diluc ran, the sound of water in the fountain filling his ears for only a moment. He rushed up the steps, and towards the large stony building that he hadn't entered in years.
Diluc thought he would never return to headquarters, since the day he left. But here he was, running at it full tilt. The guards at the door were going to stop him, but were surprised when they saw who it was.
"Hey, you- Diluc?" One of then said as Diluc ran towards the door.
"It's an emergency, I need to speak to Kaeya right away!" Diluc exclaimed before pushing the door open and running inside. He was deaf to the guards objections.
As he ran in, he searched the main hall and immediately spotted Kaeya. "Diluc? What are you doing here?"
"Kaeya, this is extremely important," Diluc was out of breath from running all the way to Mondstadt from Wolvndom.
"Are you rejoining or something?" Kaeya joked, but his smile quickly disappeared. "Is that... y/n's bow?" His face turned into one of concern and worry.
"Is something wrong?" Diluc heard a meek voice, and Sucrose walked over. "What happened?"
"You two, I need you to come back to Winery with me," Diluc looked to Kaeya, and for the first time in his life... he pleaded with him. "Please."

Through Thick and Thin- Diluc x (female) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now