Chapter 20: Action Must be Taken

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"Hold on just a moment," Kaeya said, immediately worried. Diluc had never pleaded with Kaeya before. It made him all the more concerned for y/n's safety. "What happened? Why do you have her bow but not her? Is she hurt?"
"No, she's not hurt," he calmed down, seeing Kaeya would help him. "At least not yet..."
"Why are you here? What happened to 'the knights are inefficient'?" Kaeya asked, frustrated.
"I know, I know, I-"
"Now isn't the time to fight!" The brothers turned their heads towards Sucrose, surprised. Neither of them had ever heard her raise her voice. "If y/n's in trouble why are you bickering? L-like children!" She balled her fists in anger.
The brothers stood in silence for a moment. "You're right, I'm sorry..." Kaeya said, feeling guilty for bickering with Diluc while his friend was in danger.
Diluc looked away. "I'm sorry Sucrose. Now isn't the time to fight..." He looked back to Kaeya, still panicky but calmer now. "I left for just a moment to grab a stray arrow. She was practicing her archery..."
"You left her?" Kaeya and Sucrose both said, concerned.
"I'm sorry, I should have been more careful. I was only gone for a minute," he said quickly, trying to explain the story. "When I came back, she was surrounded. It sounded like they wanted her to come with them-"
"Why didn't you stop them? Were they vision holders?" Kaeya said, trying to make sense of the situation.
"No. It took everything I had not to charge in there, trust me," Diluc said, hurrying the conversation along. He needed to get back to the Winery to wait for Razor. "But they had crossbows on her, and if I went in they were going to shoot. She just... dropped her bow and went with them."
"Do you know where they might have gone?" Sucrose said seriously. She was usually so meek, that it surprised Diluc and Kaeya both. But they all knew how protective she was of her sister.
"I only knew the direction, but we had delivered a note to someone named Razor there," Diluc said, remembering the favor y/n insisted on granting.
"Razor?" Sucrose said. "Isn't he the one raised by wolves? In Wolvndom?"
Diluc nodded frantically. "Yes, him! He heard the commotion and came to help. He's looking for her now," he said, pointing to the door. "He's going to meet me back at the Winery if he finds the location, and then we need to figure what the hell we are going to-"
"Diluc," Sucrose said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Stay calm. It won't do y/n any good if you can't have a steady head on your shoulders."
If even Sucrose, y/n's sister, could stay calm at a time like this... then I have to. Diluc sighed, nodding. "Okay, but Kaeya... will you at least come with me? Y/n trusts you, I might need your help if it comes down to what I think it might."
"Even if I didn't go," Kaeya said, taking a step forward. "You have to know that she's trusts you too, Diluc. Maybe even more than me."
Diluc was quiet for a moment, before turning to leave headquarters. "Let's go."
"I'll let Jean know the situation," Sucrose called after them. "Ill try to send over any extra help that I can!"

"This is definitely not good," Jean sat in her office, her hands folded on it somberly. "She's one of our alchemists, and you two might have trouble without her. And she's your family. It would be cruel for me to sit idly by and do nothing."
"Is there anyone who can assist us?" Sucrose said, worried sick.
"You can bring Albedo, if he can come," Jean said, still trying to wrap her head around the situation. "I'll send Amber over to the Winery right away. Everyone else is out or busy, I'm sorry. I would go myself, but with the windblume festival in full swing, I just... I can't."
"I'll go get them. Thank you!" Sucrose said, knowing Jeans responsibilities limited her.
She rushed out of the office, only for Amber to be right outside. "I already heard, I'm heading over right now!" She said, springing right into action. Without another word, she was out the door and off to the Winery.
Sucrose sighed in relief, glad they had help. She opened the lab door, seeing Albedo looking over the mist flower once more. He turned to her, immediately noticing her frantic expression.
"Sucrose? Did something happen?"
"It's y/n, Diluc said that she was taken when they were in Wolvndom," Sucrose said urgently. "Some of us are getting together to plan, will you join us?"
"Well, I can't have my assistant disappearing now," he said, trying not to worry. But inside, he was deeply concerned, and worried she wouldn't return. "Of course. Let go."

Through Thick and Thin- Diluc x (female) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now