Chapter 67: I Don't Mind

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(An: NSFW is present in this chapter, although it is kind of short. For those who want to skip this chapter, they can. Thanks for reading!)

After bandaging one leg, Diluc lifted my other leg slightly to wrap the bandage underneath. He was quick to finish his work, and then set my leg down. Diluc's slightly calloused hands brushed across my now bandaged thighs as he did, causing my stomach to twist with that... feeling.
With that, the bandages were changed and I was left with that all too familiar strange feeling. The way he looked at me when I tensed up from the cold cloth gave me butterflies.
I craved to be closer to him just like I had that day. I was hesitant to make any moves as he laid down on his side, blowing out the candle on his nightstand.
"Are you tired?" He looked over to me after the candle was blown out, leaning back on the headboard of the bed.
I shrugged, offering an awkward smile. "To be honest, no. It's late though. I'll fall asleep eventually."
I turned and blew out the other candle on my nightstand, submerging the room in darkness. I slipped under the covers, and Diluc did as well. We laid there in tense silence for a few minutes.
Deciding it couldn't hurt, I reached for his hand and held it over me, turning away from him and draping his hand over myself. He froze for a second, and then pulled me closer against him.
Diluc's arm wrapped around me as he pulled me close, my back pressed against his bare chest, and I felt my heart racing. Although I had done it to satisfy that strange feeling, it only made me want to be closer. Should I say something about that day?
I felt his breath on the back of my neck, making my skin tingle. I listened to his breathing, noticing the pattern hadn't changed. Diluc was still awake. Is he restless like me, too?
As I pondered over what to do in my mind, I was slightly startled when he leaned forward into the crook of my neck, planting a soft kiss. I quickly relaxed again, enjoying the feeling of his warmth in the slightly cold room.
Diluc kissed me again, this time opting for my jawline. Although it relaxed me, it sent shivers down my spine at the same time.
Feeling brave, I leaned back towards him a little more, wanting to be closer. As he kissed my neck again, I felt his leg rise in between mine.
His teeth lightly grazed the skin on my neck, catching me off guard, yet exhilarating me. Was this going where I hoped it would?
Diluc stopped for a second, leaning his face against my neck. I felt his breath on my skin once again. "Is this alright?" He asked, his hand slowly snaking over my hips.
I barely kept myself from squirming as his did, my cheeks flushing further. "Yeah..." I said, nodding.
Diluc's hand trailed from my waist, stopping for a moment before traveling underneath the nightshirt he lended me. He lifted it slightly, and I found myself holding my breath as his gentle hands carefully ran across my abdomen and towards my chest.
"I've thought about that night often, y/n," he said quietly. The words drifted right next to my ears, which twitched softly as he said those words, lightly brushing against his nose. "Have you?"
I hesitated for a second, tensing up as I felt his hands on me, although it wasn't unwanted. "I would be lying if I said I haven't."
Dilucs head came to rest in the crook of my neck. His hand, still on my chest, pulled me even closer to him. I shivered at the feeling. It was strangely comfortable, though.
But it still wasn't enough. I turned towards him, Diluc pulling his hand away to allow me to do so. With a quick motion, I found myself on his lap like I had in Liyue. My shirt still covered me, but we both knew fully well that nothing was between him and I, besides his pants.
He went to sit up, but I rested a hand on his chest, leaning him back down. His face went visibly red.
"Might I ask you what you're doing?" Diluc said, a small and nervous smile on his face.
I leaned down to him, kissing him quickly. My hands snaked around his head, pulling the ribbon from his hair. Was he going to sleep with that in? Running my hand across his cheek, I looked down at him.
"I'm no good at asking about these things, you already know that," I said, smiling a little. I sat back up, grabbing his hand and intertwining his fingers with mine. "But can I? Can we?"
He tensed up a little, just as he had in Liyue. While Diluc was a stoic man to others, he always seemed to come undone when it came to things like this.
His cheeks flushed a little. "I... I wouldn't mind that," Diluc said, averting his gaze. Although the corners of his mouth pulled into a slight smile.
I reached my other hand to his hair, gently running the locks in between my fingers before moving my hand downward. My fingers danced across his scar, and he slightly shivered at the touch. Him tensing underneath me presented the most peculiar of feelings.
Diluc's hands came to rest on my hips, and I grabbed at the nightshirt and pulled it over my head. Tossing it to the side, I turned back to Diluc as he sat up again. I rested my hands on his shoulders, and his palms traced up my sides and to my chest.
"You are just as beautiful as the day I met you, y/n," he said, his red eyes wandering over me before meeting my eyes.
"Even without the eye?" I laughed a little, glancing at my eyepatch on the nightstand.
He glanced at it too for a second and then looked back up to me, a small smile pulling at his lips.
"That doesn't change a thing," Diluc said, giving me a quick kiss.
I let my hand run across his chest again, brushing his scar before landing at the hem of his pants. I took a second to collect myself, nervous despite having done this before. Slipping a finger under the waistband, I pulled the article of clothing downward.
Diluc tensed up again as I did so. At least I'm not the only nervous one, I chuckled a little.
I kissed his cheek before getting ready to position myself.
"Dear, you... You're really alright with it?" He said, and I flushed again when he called me that. He knows that nickname makes me feel things...
"I am," I said, laughing a little. He looked back to me, a brow raised. "We done it before, right?"
I raised myself a little, and Diluc's hands lightly gripped at my hips to help position myself. Last time, he had been on top. I couldn't help but feel a little nervous, trying something slight lyrics different from last time.
My breath hitched as I let myself down, and Diluc's hands wandered from my hips to my sides. His head came forward and he kissed my collarbone, causing me to moan quietly.
My arms wrapped around his neck as I raised my hips up, and slowly sat back down. Diluc groaned and buried his face in my neck.
My hand rain across the back of his head and through the strands of his red hair, and I rolled my hips forward. My breath grew heavy as his hands traced up my back, his nails digging in ever so slightly whenever I brought myself down on him.
Just the slightest bit more pressure, and his nails would rake my skin. It was an odd feeling, making me nervous but exhilaratingly so. It was irresistible.
I grabbed onto his hair for support as I went down a little faster, accidentally pulling at the locks. His head leaned back from my neck, and he groaned out a little. "Ah... sorry," I managed between labored breaths and moans.
Diluc hissed through his teeth as he raised his hips to mine. My back arched as he reached a spot he hadn't before, and I gasped at the feeling.
"I don't mind," Diluc said, his hands running from my back to my chest. I raised an ear, curious as to what he meant.
I didn't have long to think about it before he raised into me again, rendering me speechless. My eye rolled back a little, the move unexpectedly pleasurable.
The next time Diluc raised himself too meet me, my hand snaked over, grabbing at his hair again. I lightly pulled at it, and his hands grabbed at my sides again. His nails dug in ever so slightly, causing me to tense up.
It was odd how pain could melt so well with pleasure. An odd, yet strangely effective mix.
I brought my face forward into his neck as we rolled our hips together. Biting at his jaw, I let out moans in between heavy gasps of air. Diluc found a way to hit that spot every time, causing my back to arch and my chest to press against him.
The pleasure began to build, Diluc brushing his teeth against my shoulders. My nails dug into his back, his nails digging further into my sides. I squirmed a little, although I felt like I couldn't get enough of it.
I felt my heart pounding as I was about to spill over. I crashed down on him one last time, my legs clenching at his hips as they were brought up to mine.
Diluc groaned into my shoulder, his teeth sinking into my skin. My breath hitched, my hand holding his head against me as I gripped his hair. It stung, but it felt so right as I rolled my hips slowly, riding out the waves that washed over me.
My legs were shaky as I raised myself up. Diluc's head leaned away from my neck, his hands tracing from my sides to the back of my head.
I leaned my face forward, kissing him without hesitation. Diluc closed his eyes as I did, running his fingers through my hair.
I let go of his head, opting instead to embrace his neck.
He pulled away from the kiss, just about gasping for air. "Y/n..." he said, opening his eyes. "Your shoulder..."
"I don't mind," I said, mimicking his words from earlier with a smirk on my face. Although, I was truly exhausted. My breath was heavy as I sat on his lap, his hands running back down to my hips.
He gave me a small smile, although his cheeks were bright red. "I'm sorry about your shoulder," Diluc said, glancing at it.
Although his teeth hadn't pierced my skin, there were two small dents from his canines. It was slightly irritated, but otherwise okay.
"I'm sorry about your hair," I said, recalling how I had pulled it... twice.
He chuckled a little, his arms wrapping around me. Diluc leaned back, taking me with him. I couldn't help but give a small laugh as he pulled me towards him.
I kissed his cheek before sitting up, teaching for the covers and pulling them over us. "Diluc?" I asked, his arms wrapped around me securely.
"Hm?" He hummed, watching me intently with his red eyes.
"Thank you," I said, burying my face in his chest. My ears went flat against my head, tucking against me comfortably.
His chest rose and fell slowly, showing he was relaxed. "Goodnight, y/n."

Through Thick and Thin- Diluc x (female) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now