Chapter 31: Its Like a Picnic, but Fancy

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After finishing my conversation with Amber, I headed straight for the Dawn Winery. I had somewhat expected to get jumped by treasure hoarders again, but I still hadn't seen them since I defeated their last troop. The only enemies I encountered were some pyro slimes, which were easily dispatched with my bow.
I looked at it, and wondered if I should replace it. Amber gave it to me, but should I keep it around? It's good to learn with, but I feel like I could use something stronger... I thought to myself.
I had also figured out how to summon and put away my bow at will, as vision holders could. When I first remembered this ability, I wondered if I would have trouble with it. Of course, just like my healing and ice phasing, it just came naturally. Ice phasing is a dumb name... I should really come up with something better for such a skill.
I stretched as I reached the estate, my ears twitching from the satisfaction of a big stretch. "Ah, I'm finally here," I said to myself.
When I reached the door, I knocked carefully, wondering if Diluc would be the one to answer.
I wasn't entirely disappointed when a familiar dirty blonde maid answered the door. "Ah, Y/n. Master Diluc has been waiting, as per usual," Adelinde smiled politely.
"How is he?" I asked, remembering his wound.
"You can ask him yourself, right this way," I was surprised when Adelinde stepped outside the door, rather than inviting me inside. "Follow me."
She began to walk around the building, and I followed her with curiousity. As we reached the other side, I could see the tables and chairs that were set up, with a familiar redhead seated at one, facing away from us.
His hair was back in its ponytail, and he wore what seemed to be the same coat he had before the incident. Did he get it replaced or fixed? I wondered to myself. I didn't get much time to ponder before we reached the table.
As we stepped closer, he turned his head to see us. As his eyes laid on me, he smiled and he gestured for me to join him. Smiling back, I went around the other side and sat across from him.
"Y/n, how are you?" Diluc asked me, his eyes lighting up ever so slightly.
"How funny," I said, chuckling a little. "I was going to ask the same question. How does your injury seem today?"
He frowned slightly before smiling again. "Your supposed to answer me first, but I'll indulge you. I'm feeling alright, although I suppose it does sting a little bit," he said, crossing his arms on the table. "You should use your vision to take the pain away."
I chuckled. "You just want me to put on that salve again."
Diluc shrugged. "Maybe I do."
I blushed a little, but quickly hid it. "So, whatcha doing out here? I would have thought you'd be in the library or something."
Diluc sat up a little, looking around. "It's a nice day out, so I decided to get some fresh air and have lunch out here today," he looked back to me. "Have you eaten already?"
I shook my head. "Nope, I'm starved," I laughed, although I was excited to have lunch outside at such a beautiful spot. "That reminds me, when do you think we can do a picnic again? The last one was sort of interrupted."
He chuckled a little. "It was. Well, I can't go too far in this condition so I figured this was as close to a picnic that we could get." Diluc looked around again, enjoying the atmosphere. "Speaking of, I sent someone to go get the basket and blanket that we left in Wolvndom. I would have grabbed it back then, but it didn't seem like a good time."
"You did?" I asked, feeling relieved. "Thank you. I suppose this is kind of a picnic, just with tables and chairs."
"It's like a picnic," Diluc put in, smiling.
"But I suppose it's just... fancy," I said, laughing a little.
"So," Diluc said, waving to one of the maids. "I asked for some mushroom pizza, since that seems slightly too traditional to give up."
The maid rushed over, carrying something on a platter. There were two glasses, each of them with a purple juice in two different tones. "Master Diluc, y/n," she greeted, setting them on the table.
As she rushed off, Diluc set one down in front of me. "I couldn't mix it myself this time, but here. Some wolfhook juice for you," he reached for the other glass. "And some grape juice for me."
I chuckled. "Thank you, Diluc. I'm sure you'll be up and back at the tavern in no time."
Diluc took a sip, and shrugged a little. "I suppose. It will be at least another day before I can, and then a week or so after that we are headed for Liyue."
That's right, I thought to myself. I was so wrapped up in seeing Diluc that I had almost forgotten about the Liyue trip. "I'm really exciting , I still can't believe I'm heading there. That we're heading there," I corrected myself.
"I cannot wait to show you this restaurant I went to years ago, the food is good there," Diluc said before peering behind him. Another maid was carrying a platter over. "Speaking of food..."
The maid set the platter of steaming food down before hurrying off. Other maids that were in the area left with her, leaving Diluc and I to eat alone. I was slightly relieved, as I would have been slightly embarrassed to eat in front of a bunch of people just... watching me.
I looked down at the platter happily. "Oh, this looks good," I said, excited. I grabbed a piece and began to eat, and Diluc followed suit.
"It's not the same as our other picnic," he began, sipping at his grape juice. "But it will do until we can go back to Wolvndom."
I nodded, enjoying my food. "Say, you said you've been to Liyue. What for?" Drinking some of my wolfhook juice, I noticed it wasn't quite the same as when Diluc mixed it for me. "Winery business?"
Diluc thought for a moment, and shrugged. "I guess you could say so. Say, I have a question for you as well."
I raised an ear. "Go ahead."
He looked me over for a second. "Do you play chess?"
"Chess? I've played a couple times," I began, thinking back to when my mother would play chess with me. I remembered Kaeya telling me this was one of his hobbies. "I know the rules, but I'm no expert."
"Not like you are with the lyre? Or the bow, for instance?" He smiled, and grabbed another slice of pizza. I wouldn't say I'm an expert at the lyre, but it is nice of him... "We should play chess after this, if you don't have anything to do back in Mondstadt, that is."
I shook my head, and my heart raced as I thought about spending more time with him. "Nope, I'm free. I'd just prefer to be back by dark. I have a feeling they'll be more prepared if they come after me again," I referenced the treasure hoarders.
Diluc looked down for a moment, but quickly looked back up. "I'm sorry."
"No no!" I said, feeling guilty for making him feel bad. "None of it is your fault. You said it yourself, no one could have seen it coming."
He sighed. "I suppose you're right. Now, how about some chess after we eat?"

Through Thick and Thin- Diluc x (female) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now