Chapter 65: Juniper

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The next morning, I awoke to a knock. Standing up, I walked to the door and opened it to see Kaeya staring back at me.
"Hm... it's been a little while since I've opened my door to you, huh?" I smiled, opening the door wider for him.
He stepped inside, and I closed the door. "I've been thinking about what you told me, y/n."
I furrowed my brows as I leaned against the door. "I figured that's why you were here. But you can't stop me from going with them, Kaeya. I can protect myself, I've been almost completely back in shape since Barbara came to heal me last night."
"I know, that's not what I mean," He said, and then sighed. "Are you truly sure you can trust him? How can you be so sure that it isn't a set up?"
"I can't be sure," I said, sitting down on my bed. "No one can. But we're meeting in Springvale, so there's too many citizens for him to do anything rash there, and he's bringing his daughter. If I don't see her, I'll put a stop to the mission."
"I know how stubborn you can be," Kaeya said, managing a weak smile. "I know I can't stop you from going. But just... be careful. Even with Diluc and Aether there, you're still vulnerable."
"I understand," I said, knowing the risks that this mission would have. "I have hope that Diluc and I can get the treasure hoarders off our backs for a little while. I'm tired of worrying about Diluc every time he leaves the walls, and I'm sure he doesn't want to worry about me either."
"I'm leading the raid on the camp in Dragonspine, Amber is taking the west camp near Stormterror's Lair, and Noelle is having her first mission at the camp in the east in Stormbearer Mountains," Kaeya said, looking out towards the door. "She seems excited."
"I'd bet she is," I smiled, remembering Noelles excitement to finally join the knights. "Well... I might as well do some work today. And please... don't tell my sister or Albedo. Or anyone. I don't want Robin arrested, and I don't want Sucrose keeping me here."
He nodded, turning the knob on the door and creaking it open. "Understood," He said, heading down the hall.
As I walked into the lab, Sucrose turned her head from her desk in surprise. "Y/n? Aren't you supposed to be resting still?"
"I'm restless, Sucrose," I said before noticing the strangely perfect temperature. Even before the first mist flower experiment, the lab was always slightly cold. "Besides, I wanted to let you know that I'm going to the Winery for the night."
My eyes turned to a table in the center of the room, Albedo standing near it and taking notes. On it was a potted mist flower, and a potted flaming flower.
"Oh? Getting started on the experiments?" I said, peeking over Albedos shoulder as I approached. "Hm... already a bit bigger than when I picked them."
It seemed that the flowers had regained the energy they had lost when I harvested them. Already, they were growing as if they had never been plucked.
He turned over, noticing me. "Ah, good morning y/n. Feeling better?"
I nodded. "I can walk much better already thanks to Barbara. Her healing works fast."
"Hm... and your eye?" Albedo asked, glancing at it.
"It doesn't hurt or anything, but I definitely can't see out of it," I joked, remembering that it was missing. Almost on queue, the lab door opened again.
"Hope you don't mind me joining you," Kaeya smiled as he walked in the door, a small box in his hand. When his eyes fell on me, I could guess what it was. "This is for you, y/n."
"Oh, is it what I think it is?" I asked, walking over and taking the box. He nodded, and then walked past me to Albedo.
"What are you doing this time?" Kaeya asked him before their conversation faded out.
I slid a finger under the lid, lifting it off the box to reveal the inside. There sat the eyepatch that I had ordered, precisely crafted to my specifications.
I picked it up and walked over to Sucrose. "Will you help me take the bandage off? I want to try this on," I said, holding it up to her.
"Oh! S-sure," she said, standing up and unwrapping the bandage for me.
"Thanks," I said, holding the eyepatch and sitting still for her. "You haven't seen it yet, have you Sucrose?"
"No, but..." she said, unwrapping the last of the bandage. "I've seen quite a bit, so I'll be fine... probably."
The bandage fell, and Sucrose quickly discarded it. "Hm... not bad at all," she said, tilting her head as she examined it. She carefully moved my head around with her hands as she got a good look at my face. "It's healed really clean... you probably don't even need the bandage anymore."
"Sucrose," I said, smiling slightly as I held the eyepatch up.
"R-right," she said, letting go of my head as she stepped back.
I slipped it on, securing it best I could. "How does it look?"
Sucrose put a finger to her chin as she examined me. "It looks good, and covers the injury well. I can see a bit of the scar poking out, but it looks kind of nice..."
"Alright. I'll have to get a mirror..."

Through Thick and Thin- Diluc x (female) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now