Chapter 4

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Wednesday, 17th November 2020

It had been a few weeks now since Derek had started at Seattle Grace, and he seemed to have quickly found his footing as both Head of Neurosurgery and as Meredith's mentor. They had just finished another surgery together that morning, a corpus callosotomy, where she'd taken the lead again.

Of course, there'd been the supposedly harmless flirting. She didn't think she'd ever had so much sexual tension with another person before and it was driving her insane. She couldn't even pick up guys at the bar anymore, she just kept comparing them to him and finding them all sub par. No one else interested her. She wanted him, but he was already spoken for. She didn't have a chance. So, she kept flirting. It's not like he didn't flirt back.

She followed him into his office, closing the door behind her before sitting in one of the chairs at the small meeting table, opening up the chart she'd brought with her to update from the surgery. She pulled one leg up on the chair as she wrote the notes.

"Comfortable there, Dr Grey?" she looked up to find Derek leaning against his desk, arms crossed over his chest with a slight smirk on his lips.

"I am, is that okay with you?" she grinned back at him, playing with the end of her pen between her teeth as she raised an eyebrow with him.

In response he mumbled something inaudible under his breath as he shook his head, a slight chuckle escaping him as he walked round his desk and sat in his chair, busying himself with paperwork. They sat in a comfortable silence as they focused on their respective tasks. Although, when Meredith would glance up, she could swear Derek had been staring at her.

She shook it off, ignored it. She'd felt him staring at her on numerous occasions over the past few weeks, but she couldn't figure out why he was staring at her so intently, unless Cristina was right.

Eventually, she finished her post-op notes and closed the chart, standing up from the chair and stretching out. She looked over to Derek who was signing off some paperwork still, and she found herself involuntarily biting her lip as she watched him. She needed to get a grip. He was married.

"Leaving already?" he asked, looking up at her as she looked away, realising she had been staring, and picked up the chart off the table.

"Yeah, I have to meet the interns for rounds in half an hour," she told him, giving him a quick smile before heading over to the door.

Before she could touch the door handle, he walked around her to the door, securing it before turning back to her. His eyes locked with hers, and she saw the blue iris of his eyes darken as he moved closer to her.

He took the chart from her, setting it back on the table, and his voice had a slight husk to it as he spoke, "You're driving me crazy, Meredith Grey."

Her hand moved to her hip as she shifted her weight on to one leg, watching him as he loosened his tie and unbuttoned his collar.

"I don't see how," she spoke in a quiet voice, gently biting her lower lip.

"Do you really not? Or am I reading this all wrong?" he moved again, closer to her, their bodies inches from touching one another.

"Derek, you're married..." she murmured softly, crossing her arms over her chest as she broke from his gaze, looking down at the floor and stepping back from his advance, only to realise his desk was right behind her, blocking her from moving any further backwards.

His hand reached out and touched her elbow, her eyes snapping back up to look at him again as he did so. Her breath caught in her throat at his intense stare, biting her lip.

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