Chapter 24

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Friday 25th June 2021

Packing was probably the hardest part. She didn't think she was someone who had a lot of stuff, but apparently moving halfway across the world makes you realise how many things you actually own. She'd eventually decided on just taking a few outfits, she would just buy more when she got there and hopefully, she'll be in scrubs most of the time anyway. That was her plan. Throw herself into her fellowship.

She just needed a fresh start. Everything in Seattle had become so complicated and she just wanted to start again. She wouldn't be Ellis Grey's daughter. She wouldn't be the resident who got in a love triangle with two of her bosses and ruined Derek's marriage. She wouldn't be that person anymore. No one would know who she was, and she could find herself, be herself. That's what she needed. That's what she believed she deserved. And Derek deserved better than her.

Just as she was fastening up the suitcase after finally deciding on what to take with her and what to leave behind, an insistent knock sounded on the front door. She hadn't been expecting anyone, her friends had said their goodbyes the night before at Joe's, and Cristina would obviously have a key if she'd finished work early, which was also doubtful. The knocking continued as she headed down the stairs, so much so you'd think it was a life-or-death situation.

"I'm coming, I'm here," she called out as she unlocked the door to open it.

As she looked up, she saw the face she was pretty convinced she would never see again. He stood there, hair all over the place and shirt wrinkled, his blue eyes soft as she met them.

"What are you..." she breathed, losing her words as he stepped closer to her.

"I couldn't let you leave without saying goodbye," he murmured, his hand reaching to cup her cheek.

"I... tomorrow, I leave tomorrow," she muttered taking a step back, his hand dropping back to his side as she did so.

"I thought we could... one more night," he said, not moving from where he stood on the front porch.

"That's really not a good idea," she sighed softly, her arms moving around her middle as she looked off to the side, avoiding his gaze as she felt the tears building in her eyes.

"Meredith," he breathed, stepping toward her now inside the house and closing the door behind him.

"Derek," she whimpered slightly, her eyes meeting his.

"Mer," he whispered, his hand reaching for his fingers to drift down her arm as it dropped from around her, taking her hand in his.

"Oh," she gasped softly as he gently pulled her toward him, his free hand resting at her waist. Before she knew it, or could think to stop it, his lips were pressed to hers and she was kissing him back.

Her fingers reached into his hair, tangling themselves there as he backed her up against the wall in the hallway. Their kiss grew in desperation as his hand moved up her body to grasp at her breast, enticing a soft moan from her, her lips parting against his.

"Derek," she moaned quietly, her voice almost silenced by his lips pressing harder into hers.

"I want you, I missed you," he murmured, his lips suddenly close beside her ear before he began tracking them along her jawline.

"You... oh," she gasped, closing her eyes as the sensation of his lips sucking at the hollow of her neck made her forget her words.

"Here or bed?" he asked as he started to lift her shirt, a soft groan escaping his lips as his fingertips grazed the underside of her bare breasts.

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