Reed900 stuff

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-on a mission-

Gavin and Nines: *are randomly handcuffed together*

Gavin: I hate this-

Nines: it does put us at a disadvantage.

Gavin: *spots something in the distance* Nines I don't think we're alone-

Nines: neither. On the count of 3 we run.

Gavin: wouldn't you normally fight them?

Nines: yes but I don't want you getting hurt. 1. 2. *holds Gavin's hand and intertwines their fingers*

Gavin: *red*

Nines: 3.

Both: *run*


Gavin: *staring at himself in a mirror*

Nines: *walks into the room* you okay?

Gavin: Nines am I ugly?

Nines: 'I wasn't expecting that-' no why would you say that?

Gavin: *shrugs*

Nines: *walks over and wraps his arms around Gavin's waist* in that reflection I see a handsome young man and an android.

Gavin: oh shut up.

Nines: heh.


Connor: so you're not together?

Nines: correct.

Connor: you literally gave him your coat when it was raining. He had his own coat.

Nines: so? He could get a cold! I wouldn't.

Connor: you compliment him and hug him all the time!

Nines: no I don't.

Connor: I give up.


Hank: you like him.

Gavin: no I don't

Hank: yEs YoU dO!

Gavin: no.

Hank: who do you spend the most time with?

Gavin: Nines.

Hank: who do you like the most?

Gavin: Nines.

Hank: out of everyone who would you rather made any physical contact with?

Gavin: Nines.

Hank: so who do you want to be in a relationship with?

Gavin: no one.

Hank: *facepalms*


Nines: why do you hate Connor?

Gavin: he is ugly and annoying.

Nines: me and Connor share the same face- so that means I'm ugly-

Gavin: Hell to the No! You are no where near ugly!!


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