Gavin and his coffee buddies.

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Gavin: Bored.

Nines: I know. You've said that for the last hour.

Gavin: bOrEd

Nines: ._.

Henry Stein: *yeets in* GaViN

Gavin: Henry-?

William: *jumps in through a window* Hello!!!

Nick: *runs in* HoLa!

Gavin: PeOpLe?!

Henry: Ye. We are stealing you.

Nines: no-

Nick: yes. He is our Coffee buddy! *picks Gavin up and starts walking away*

Gavin: *waves at Nines* ByE tIn CaN!

Nines: •-• *waves back* bye-

Connor: *walks over* your boyfriend just got stolen-

Nines: He isn't my boyfriend! *runs at Connor*

Connor: *runs off*

Nines: *chases him*

-with the Coffee buddies-

William: cOfFeE!

Nick: CoFfEe!

Gavin: coffEEEEEEEEE!


The waitress: Coffee it is- *walks off quickly*

The 4 coffee buddies: *chanting* coffee! Coffee! Coffee!

The waitress: *walks back over* *gives them coffee and runs off quickly*

Chloe: *walks in with Kamski*

Kamski: Gavin-?

Gavin: CoFfEe!!!!

Chloe and Kamski: *look at each other and shrug*


The coffee buddies: *hyper*

Henry: we should go home its getting late-

Nick: I dOnT wAnT tOo!!

William: I'm GoInG tO sEe My BoYfRiEnD!!! *yeets away*

Nick: ByE! *runs off*

Henry: I'm calling Sammy- I can't be bothered to walk home-

Gavin: I'm gonna be lonely.

Henry: call Nines-

Gavin: oh yeahhhh- *calls Nines*

Nines: Yes?

Gavin: I don't wanna be lonely so meet me *insert place here*

Nines: do I have to?

Gavin: YeS!

Nines: okay. *hangs up*

Sammy: *pulls over* Henry get in.

Henry: are you mad at me? You look mad at me-

Bendy: *in the back seat* why did I have to come along?!

Sammy: because I don't trust you alone in a house. And I'm not mad at you

Henry: oki *gets in the car* bye Gavin.

Sammy: *drives off*

Gavin: I'm lonely- Nines please hurry up.

-2 minutes later-

Nines: *sneaks up behind Gavin and puts his hand on Gavin's shoulder* Boo.

Gavin: *jumps* NiNeS!! You fucking bastard!

Nines: heh. Let's just head home.

Gavin: humph.

(Gavin and Nines got home and fell asleep practically right away-)

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