CH. 21 - Kurumi Tokisaki (Date A Live)

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"C/N!" You call out. 'Where are you?'

(A/N: C/N is your Cat's name.)

"C/N! Come out!"

You walk around the park, bushes, street but couldn't find her. 'It's getting dark.' You thought to yourself.

While walking in a street not too far away from school, you come across in an alley, but stop when you hear something.

"Meoww~" A faded voice can be heard.

"C/N?" You stop walking, trying to listen to the kitten's voice.


"C-C/N? A-are you in t-there?"

"Meowww!" The voice got only louder when you called C/N again.

'I have to be brave. My baby's there. B-but I-I'm scared of d-dar-' You thought, trying to give encouragement to yourself.


You slap both of your cheeks. 'Snap out of it, Y/N!'

You swallow the lump that is starting to form in your throat.

"H-Here goes nothing." You enter the alley cautiously.

"C-C/N? Come out."

You were about to reach the end of the alley when something bump your feet. "C/N?"

"Meowww~" She purrs.

"Ah! C/N! Come here." You lower down and pick up C/N in your arms.

You stand up and is about to walk away from the alley when you hear footsteps behind you.

"Ojou-chan. What are you going out there?" The voice said.

You turn around and focus your gaze on the person in front of you, trying to figure out who he is.

Then the person starts to come closer to you.

"Hey, Ojou-chan." The man calls out.

"U-uhmm. I rescue my cat and about to take her home."

"How about I take you both home? It's not safe for a girl like you to be alone at this hour."

You begin to shiver. "I-Uhmm. T-thanks, but my home is not far away f-from h-here."

"What? Are you turning down my offer?"

You slowly back away when you feel his arms on your shoulder while sniffing you. He take a closer look at you and whisper to your ear, "Then let's have a little fun first before you go home. I'll make you feel good, Ojou-chan."

"N-no!" You push him away and try to run but he grab you by arm and hold your waist to bring you closer to him.

"P-please, let me go." You plead, sobbing a little.

"Meoww!!" My cat hissses at the guy.

"Shut up, kitty!" The man grabs your cat and throw her at the wall.

"Hey!" You pull your arm from his hand but couldn't. It made his grip become tighter.

"Where do you think you're going?"

He starts to rub your arms sensually, making you shiver. Shiver from disgust!

"Someone, please help!" You try to scream and you cry but-

"Shut u-"


He suddenly stops, eyes wide. 'I don't know why until-'

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