CH. 14 - Dorothy/Daisy McBean (Princess Principal)

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"Dang it! I feel like a sh*t. I shouldn't have drunk that much." Dorothy said to herself.

She got up from a stool and walked out from the bar like a zombie.

"Wooohhh! Live while we're young!" She shouted.

She continued to walk until she passed by a dark alley then started to go there.

"I'm bu-raveee!" She yelled while walking in the alley.

"Hello, Miss." A man said.

Dorothy didn't pay attention to the man and continue to walk.

"Hey hey. I'm talking to you, pretty lady."

He tried to approach Dorothy but only shove by her.

"Doonn't try to touch me."

"Ohhh? I'll do what I want. No. 'WE' will do what we want."

Her eyes widen. She gulped hard and began to sweat hard.

Though she's drunk she is still in her right mind. She's just dizzy and weak right now.

"Come out bros. We got a young lady to taste." The group leader said.

Men came out from the dark. Dorothy stepped backwards but hit a wall.

"C-crap!" She tried to run but two men caught her by wrist.

"Ohoho! She has a gorgeous body. How will it feel to touch your big round breasts?" Man #1 said. 😅

"Then let's find out bro." Man #2 said.

"N-no!" Dorothy shouted as a tear escape from her eyes.

They were about to touch Dorothy's beautiful breasts 🤭 when their leader fall hard on the ground.

'Oh no no no. I can't. I don't want to experience it again. I don't want to be abused again. Please somebody help me!' She thought.

"Get away from her!" A voice said.

"Leader!" (A/N: Sorry can't come up with a name. 🙄) Said Man #1.

"Oho. Another girl to taste." Man #3 said.

"Dude shut up! Help big bro first." Man #2 said.

"Ooppss. Sorry about that." Man #3 said.

Man #3 try to hold the girl but easily dodge him. And then the girl slid on his bottom and kicked his butt very hard.


Then immediately, Man #1 and #2 attacked the girl but they got easily knocked out by her too. (A/N: Sorry can't write action scenes. 🙄)

"Attack her at the same time!" The leader shouted.

Altogether, the 3 men attacked the girl. But before they even reach her they float in the air.

"Crap! You brat!" Man #3 said.

Then their leader waste no time to attack the girl while her hands are full. He picked up a metal stick from the ground and attacked her.

But the leader is a fool 🤣 thinking he can hit the girl when she dropped the 3 men right on top him hard.

"Ouccchh!" The leader said.

"B-big bro, we have no match for her. Let's go."

The leader stands up quickly.

"We'll take avenge on you someday, brat!" Then they fled away.

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