CH. 19 - Shiki X Fem!Reader X Hikage (Senran Kagura)

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Preparation for Summer Festival is so stressful and very exhausting. I need a break. I sigh. Hmm. I wonder what are the girls up to? I should check them out.

I go to other girls' room to find them in a heated discussion, when I said 'them' it's particularly Hikage and Shiki, arguing about something. I decided to walk inside. They didn't notice my presence.

"Shut your mouth, Shiki. Y/N should go with me." Hikage said coolly as she crosses her arms.

"Why Y/N should go with you?!" Shiki shouted.

"Well I'm here. What is this about?" I butt in.

"Y/N?" Hikage looks at me, slightly shock by my sudden appearance.

"Hi, Y/N~" Shiki said, grinning as she walks closer to me.

"Why are you here, babe?~" She said, clinging herself to my right arm.

Hikage stands up and cling herself to my left.

"What is it?" I blush a little.

"We were just talki-"

"Arguing." Hikage corrected.

Shiki glares at her.

"As I was saying, we were arguing about where you should go with. And I am the one you should be w-"

"Shut your big mouth. Y/N's going with me!" Hikage hisses.

Shiki let go of my arm and face Hikage. "Why are you so persistent?!"

"So are you."

"Arghh! You clearly didn't deserve to be Y/N's date."

D-date? When did we decided to go on a date?

"So you're saying you deserve her then?" I hear Hikage asked.

"Yes, of course." Shiki proudly said.

"How so?"

"It's because.. I love her. Obviously.~" Shiki looks at me seductively.

"W-w-hat? Ar-" I stutter.

"Quiet for some minutes, babe." Shiki stops me.


"O-okay." I press my lips together.

"Shiki. Just because you love Y/N doesn't mean you deserve to be her date." She paused, staring at me.

" She paused, staring at me

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"And I love her too." Hikage added.


"Silence, Y/N." Hikage puts her finger on my lips. "We should settle this with a duel." She continues.

"You mean a fight?"

"Yes, you stupid. It's just the same."

"U-uhhm. Girls. You don't have to fight to be my date." I raise my hand, trying to stop them.

They both turn their heads on my direction.

"What did you said, Y/N?" Hikage asked.

"Uhhmm. I mean. Y-you can bo-"

"Don't even finish that sentence, Y/N." Hikage cuts me off.

"Yes! I agree with her for once! Don't say that, babe. I don't like to share. Especially, with that girl!" She points at Hikage.

"Hey, move those fingers from my face." Hikage turns to me.

"Y/N, let us settle this with ourselves." She looks at me seriously. "Please?" She pleaded.

"W-well.. O-okay. But don't hurt each other. Alright?"

Hikage touches my cheek. "Hmm. I'm not gonna promise that." Then quickly kisses my cheek.

"That's it!!! You snake!" Shiki grabs my hand and hugs me, squeezing my face in between her gigantic breasts.
( > ///<)

"H-hwey. I k-an't bweath-eee." I flail.

"Oh sorry, babe." Shiki releases me. "Standby here. We'll settle this all for once." Then she pecks my lips. I blush madly.

"W-ha w-haat?!"

"Oh my babe, Y/N. You're so cute. It makes me want to eat you up." She licks her lips while looking at me like a delicious meal in front of her.

"Stop flirting with Y/N! Come here so I can make you my punching bag for real

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"Stop flirting with Y/N! Come here so I can make you my punching bag for real." Hikage slightly shouted.

Shiki turns to her. "Oh sure. You're gonna regret kissing my Y/N's cheeks!"

"So do you. What a whore you are kissing her on the lips!" Hikage launchs an attack at Shiki.

That is when the fight begins.

~Time skip

"5... 4... 3... 2... 1... And stop!" I said. I can't clearly see who won because they're in the middle of sandstorm. (A/N: Don't ask me why and where. Haha! XD)

I look around to see who's the one standing still... But after a second that one collapse on the ground too.

Yikes, they're tie.

I walk to them to see if they're still alive. I sit on the ground to speak to them.

"Well guys.." They look up at me. "You're tie."

"What?!" Shiki abruptly stands up followed by an annoyed Hikage. "That girl is clearly cheating!"

"Me?! I didn't do anything. You are the cheater. Hmmph." She said as she crosses her arms.

"How dare you accuse me!" They glare at each other.

This will be an endless arguing. I sigh.

"Guys enough!" I raise my voice slightly.

"I'm not going to date any of you if you continue to fight and argue." They glared one last time at each other then turn to me with their puppy eyes.

Oh darn puppy eyes.

"Okay. You'll both get your turns." I said as I place my hands on both of their shoulders.

"You can both date me. But not at the same time. I don't want to be in the middle of your fight. I'm not willing to be your referee. Is that okay?"

Their eyes brighten up and hug me tightly. Oh crap I'm gonna suffocate.


This was requested by YuriGirlLover. Sorry it took so long. And sorry my dear reader-chans if this one's short and boring. I've got nothing on my plate, honestly. Sorry for disappointing y'all. Anyways, thanks for taking your time to read this. Love you, reader-chan!

~Jaa ne

EDITED: 03/20/21

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