⚠️CH. 23 - Kurumi Tokisaki II (Date A Live)

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This chapter contains sexual theme, you can skip this if you're not comfortable with it.

As you arrived at home, you immediately put your cat on her bed.

"Take a rest, C/N. You had a bad day today. My poor baby." You said, petting her making it purr.

"That's enough, darling. I need your attention now." Kurumi interrupted you, looking at you as she licked her lips.

You blushed at this, knowing what it means.

"Come." She gestured for you to come to her who is still at the door. You did as she welcomed you with a warm hug. "Mmm. You're so soft..." She whispered on your ear. "And looks delicious."

By that, she pinned you at the door. She licked your ear then went down to your neck. After that, you felt her hand on your thigh, running it up and down which made you shiver.

"K-Kurumiii... W-wait..." You said in between your breath. You, leaning behind the door and the girl on your neck making you hard to breathe.

"No. Don't make me." She said as she continued to kiss your neck, lick and suck the flesh under your ears making you squirm.

"L-Let's get to-Ah!" You screamed as you feel her hand went under your skirt, grabbing your ass fully by her.

"What did you say, dear?" She said, stopping what she's doing as she listens to you. But you can see her other hand on top of your chest, unbuttoning each one of it.

"Let's go to bed." You said without stuttering.

"Hmm. There's not fun on that. Let's get this done here." She said without batting her eyes. Your upper clothing fell onto the floor leaving you with only a bra.

She continued to work her masterpiece on your neck while her hand rubbing your ass up and down, giving you a warm sensation.

"Mmm." You stifled a moan.

"Don't do that, darling." She said, licking your ears and playing it with every way possible. "I want to hear your beautiful voice. Your voice that is singing my name as I touch this." On the word, she teased your clit, pinching it gently between her fingers through the fabric of your underwear which caused you to arch your back.

"Kurumiiii~" You moaned her name, making her smirked widely.

"Good Neko-chan. Keep singing my name." She praised you, making you blush.

When she finished playing with your ear, she moved her lips on your cheeks, giving the same attention and work as she did on your ear. Her hands continued to rub your inner thigh, increasing in speed by seconds.

"Ku-ru-miii. Please, k-kiss mee." You said, voice ragged.

"But I'm kissing you already." She teased.

"Nooo..." You whined as you separated your face from her a little, making her eyebrows knit together.

She didn't reply when you said no as she grabbed your neck and smashed her lips on yours.

"Mmpphh.. Kuru-Ahh!"

She pinched your clit with a little pressure, making you open your mouth. She took this opportunity and pushed her tongue in your mouth, exploring your wet cavern, licking every corner of you, giving you undeniably good feeling.

"You taste so good." She managed to say then she continue to devour your mouth. If not with needing an air to breathe, she wouldn't let your mouth to rest.

You both separated from each other for a moment then she slammed her lips against yours again.

"Mmmm... Kurumi take off your dress..." You muttered, not wanting to be the only half-naked.

Upon hearing your request, she took it off immediately and get back on her work.

"You're so beautiful." You complimented.

"I know, darling." She replied.

She was about to go back to working on you when you separated yourself from her because you heard your kitty cry.

"Ah! I forgot to give her food. Wait here, Kurumi."

"Darling n-" She tried to protest but you quickly went to the kitchen and gave your cat a food.

"Sorry baby if I forgot. Will you forgive me?" You talked to your cat as you pet her. She purred cutely which made you smile. "You're so adorable."

"Oh!" And you remember that you left Kurumi alone in the middle of your, "you know."

"Kurumi?" You called her.

You walked back to the door but stopped when you see her on the couch in the living room as you passed by.

"Kurumi?" You approached her.

She's sitting on the couch with her legs crossed and her eyes closed. You can see her knitted eyebrows. She's mad. (A:Who wouldn't after what you did?!)

You sat beside her and try to console her. "Baby, I'm sorry." You spoke softly.

"Don't talk to me." She replied immediately, still eyes closed.

"Ku-chaannn~" You whined, still not giving you attention.

You stop and think for a moment. Thinking of something to get her attention, so you put your hand on her thigh, moving it sensually but she still isn't responding to you. Then you separated her legs from being crossed. You sat on her lap, your legs on both her sides and you put your arms on her neck. This made her captivating eyes open and look directly at you.

"What are you doing?" She asked you, her voice monotone.

"Kurumiiiii~ You looked at me." You said cutely on purpose.

"Get off me now." She commanded but you didn't listen to her as you hugged her and kissed her neck.

"Y/N." She called your name.

You flinched a little at this because you know she's being serious if she called you by your first name.

You just shake your head, wanting to make up with her. Then you start to grind on her. SLOWLY. You saw her legs move a little. Obviously turning on by what you're doing.

"Dar...ling..." She closed her eyes again but this time because of pleasure.

You gradually increase your movement on her lap but then she hold your waist to make you stop. This made you confused. You looked at her. "Kurumi?"

Without any warning Kurumi carried you bridal style. (A: I don't know where she got her strength just now.) "Kurumi!" You shouted.

"Quiet." She said as she went upstairs with you in her arms.

When you are in your bedroom, she put your quickly on the bed and pushed you down gently.

"As a punishment for interrupting our love making session earlier, I will make sure you won't be able to use your legs tomorrow. Or even then following days." You blushed madly but decided to zip up your lip and let her do you. *winks*

And by that, you make love ALLLL night.


Damn! That was the first time I wrote a lemon/lime. I hope it's not that bad. *shrugs*

Stay healthy, beloved reader-chan!

Jaa nee~

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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