CH. 22 - Mikasa Ackerman (Shingeki No Kyojin)

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"Mika, wait!" You shouted as Mikasa ignored you and continue to chase after Bertholdt and Reiner.

Mikasa keeps on running rapidly with the horse she uses, when she got a little closer to them she jumped up, maneuvering her ODM gear to get close and attack them. There's no any other goal in her mind right now but to get Eren back from them.

As she continued her way through them, more titans coming after your group, which Mikasa didn't notice.

Mikasa got closer to Reiner but couldn't attack him directly as Bertholdt blocked her attack.

"Everything who gets in my way will be killed. Don't try to stop me!" Mikasa shouted as she got down on her horse, eyes fiercely staring at Bertholdt above Reiner's (Armored Titan) shoulder.

As Mikasa's attention only on them, she didn't notice the 8 meter Titan approaching from her side as she tried to jumped up again. The Titan ran forward to swallow Mikasa but she had no time to dogde it. Thankfully, you acted on immediately and advanced using your ODM gear, landing at the Titan's shoulder as you jumped quickly to the nape and slice it through.

That was the only time when Mikasa turned her attention to you as she nodded to acknowledge what you did. "Be careful, Y/N." She managed to say.

You blushed a little as she got back down to her horse. "Let me help you, Mika." You said as Mikasa got back to her horse too.

"No. You could get hurt." Mikasa simply replied, she tried to attack Reiner and Bertholdt again.

"Mika! You should say it to yourself! Why are you so stubborn?!" You shouted at the top of your lungs.

As they move forward and chases after Reiner and Bertholdt, the Titans also coming closer to your location.

You noticed this and looked back at the Titans behind you. "The heck! They just keep on coming!" You shouted out of annoyance. "Go away!" You shouted nonchalantly. But you laugh after a second, knowing what you did will do nothing.

"Baka! Don't laugh in the middle of this chasing. And with Titans chasing us. And on top of that, your girlfriend there is not listening to you!" Connie shouted.

"You're the baka! M-Mika isn't my girlfriend!" You shouted back, blushing a darker shade of red.

"And don't you dare blush in the middle of THIS!!!" He shouted louder.

Being a dumbass girl as you are, you only laughed louder at Connie, earning a glare from him.

"After this mission, I will request for Mikasa to spank you for a hundred times, no, a thousand times!" He exclaimed.

You laughed harder then proceeded to move forward where Mikasa is. She is currently trying to attack them again and again to try to break free Eren from Reiner's hand.

As Bertholdt is busy blocking and counter-attacking Mikasa, you wait for the time to see an opening to catch him off guard and to make him loose his defense.

You see Mikasa swing her sword right on Bertholdt's stomach but blocked by his both hands. The other hand of her try to punch his face but he quickly dogde it.

You took this as an opening as you quickly jumped up on Reiner's shoulder, right above Mikasa, and slashed your sword directly on Reiner's wrist. That move was strong enough to made him loosen his grip on Eren. You quickly hold his wrist and pulled him out with all your might.

After a second, as you're still pulling Eren, you saw Mikasa kicked Bertholdt hard on his face which made him fall off from Reiners shoulder and come to you to help you to pull Eren out.

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