CH. 15 - Yumeko Jabami (Kakegurui)

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It's been a year since I studied in Hyakkaou academy. And it's also been half a year since I've learned to gamble. It all goes well until I met a girl who will make me suffer.

One day, she challenged me. Honestly, I have no match for a pro like her but reputation is very important to me so I accepted her challenge and fall... into the trap. And I stopped gambling.

Why? Because I became her pet in exchange for my huge debt to her.

Being her pet is very hard but that changed a month after. I don't why but she became soft and sweet to me. I am not sure though but I think sometimes she even flirts with me.

But to be honest, even if she now shows me kindness I still feel sad and lonely.

I wonder if she'll let me go if I ask her nicely. I've been thinking about it a lot lately but I am scared what she might do. Because she can be a little pyscho sometimes.

Right now, I am in her house... no mansion. I cook and wait for her to come down. I am no longer a pet but a maid.

Well, since I became her pet she fired all her maid so I have to do the house chores. She really enjoy making me suffer. Oh well. It's not like I have a choice. I shrugged it off then I saw her coming down.

"Good morning, Master Yumeko."

"Morning, my little kitten." She smiled sweetly at me.

" She smiled sweetly at me

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"Come eat." I walked to her closely and offer her a plate with spoon and fork. When I was about to go she held my wrist.

"Come eat with me."

"I-I can't, Master. It'll ruin your image."

"Eat with me." She demanded with a serious tone. I obeyed and sat.

We eat silently. No one dares to speak. But then...

"How are you?" My eyes widen from what I heard.


"I said. How are you doing here?" She repeated.

"I-it's fine."

"I know you are sad." She stared right into the window of my soul.


"Tell me. What do you want?"


"Say. What do you want? What should I do to make you happy?"

I looked down. I don't know what to think but clearly it's my chance to be free. But somehow, I have this uneasiness inside. I feel like I'll be more sad if I leave her, if she let me go.

"I-I, M-mast-"

"Call me Yumeko."


"Please." She smiled gently at me.


"Hmm?" She smiled.

"I honestly don't know what I should say or do. I want to be free but at the same time I don't want to l-leave you." I averted her strong gaze because it's too much for me.

"Then don't." She paused then held my hand and she k-k-kissed it.

"You won't be my pet nor maid any more."

"T-then what d-"

"You'll be my girlfriend."

"G-gi-girlf-friend?" My eyes widen.

"I want you to be mine. And.." She looked at me with a hint of sadness and regret in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry for the pain I've caused you. I'm so so sorry. When I see you work hard and always obey me without complaining it made my heart ache. I somehow felt guilty at that time. And I started to have this tingling sensation whenever I am with you. But I have caused you a lot of pain so I decided to let you free." She's now crying.

"Y-Yumeko, please don't cry."

"How can I not? If I hurt the one I love?"

I blushed. I can't belive that this Queen has feelings for me. I'm happy. Very happy. I think this is what's missing with my life. It's not that I was sad because I can't do what I want but the true reason I am sad because I craved for this Queen's attention. It hurts me so bad when she only sees me as a pet and maid that's why I wanted to be free somehow. But this turn of events makes me want to be by her side... forever.

"Please stop crying. You have nothing to cry for. I'll be with you Yumeko... forever. I'll be by your side whenever you need me. I'll take care of you. And I'll love you with all my heart and soul."

"Y-Y/N..." Then she ran to me and hugged me tightly. Not ever wanting to let go.

"I'm so happy. Thank you so much. And... I'm very sorry. Again. Sorry."

"It's all in the past Yumeko. Okay?" She nodded.

"Oh. And Y/N?"


"I love you."

Hearing it from her makes my stomach twist and turn but in a good way.

"I l-love you too." She smiled cutely.


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Sorry for the boring and very short chapter. 😅 But thank you for reading, Reader-chan! Love y'all!

Stay beautiful and keep updated!

Jaa ne~

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