CH. 13 - Shiki (Senran Kagura)

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Honestly, I still haven't watched Senran Kagura so I had to search about Shiki. About what's her attitude, what she does or somethin'.

Sadly, I couldn't look many infos about her. I even streamed on YouTube to know her appearances in the anime or game. Oh well! This was requested by YuriGirlLover. Hope you enjoy! All of you!

Let's get this straight! (But we aren't. 🤣)

YOUR POVI'm so pissed

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I'm so pissed. Why is she always like that? Always flirting with the girls she met.

Is she blind or something? Doesn't she feel I like her? But honestly, I sometimes get confuse on her actions.

One minute she's flirting with me, the other minute she's with another girl. But mostly, she's very calm and serious when it's just the two of us. Maybe she gets bored around me.

Does she have a world record to break for the most flirtiest girl ever? Jeez. She'd have that.

I sighed. Right now, like the usual. She's flirting in front of my face! I hate her!

I have no better thing to do here. I better go. I am getting tired of her flirting with every other girl she met.

I walked and wenr to a nearby park. I always do this to take my mind off from any stress or any thought about.. her.

I saw a bench and sit. I rested my head to it and looked up at the sky. It's clear. I wish I can do that. I want to clear my mind especially when she comes to me.

I have no chance on her. I guess. I think it's time to give up. I breathe a long long sigh.

"You're full of air, aren't you? Hehe." She giggled.

A familiar voice asked and instantly, I recognize the owner of it.

I didn't try to look at her because I know it's Shiki.

A gorgeous girl who's every man and woman's dream. Just look at her.

 Just look at her

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