CH. 09 - Ai Enma (Jigoku Shoujo) IV

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WOW! 1.13K READ? I didn't expect that. Thank you so much, Reader-chan! And sorry. I've just brought back to the world of the living. ( -_-)_/ Haha! Sorry if I haven't updated for a long time. But here I am again!

I am on my way to MOH (Master of Hell). When I arrived there MOH is angry. I don't know why.

"What do you think you're doing Enma?" MOH asked.

"What did I do?"

"You seriously asking me that?!" He raised his voice.

"Tell me why are you mad MOH."

"Why did you kiss that girl?!"

"I didn't. She did."

"Yes, but you let her, fool!"

"Why are you angry?"

"Because she is making you soft!


"Yes! Can't you see?!"

I bowed my head and think about it for a minute. Then looked at him again.

 Then looked at him again

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"I think am not."

"Stupid! Blind fool! You're slowly becoming soft! You shouldn't be soft! It will affect you and your job! A Correspondence of Hell shouldn't do things like that nor feel like what you felt when you kissed that fool woman!"

"Don't call her fool."

"Now you're defending her! Just great!"

"I know she is great."

"You are now a fool too! You shouldn't let that woman be close to you. She will hurt you too! She will make you suffer again!"

"I've experienced it before. Why would you think I'll care about me suffer and hurt again? It would affect me no more. You've locked my emotions in here, right?"

"Yes! But that girl is making you feel emotions!"

"She didn't, she wouldn't."

"You are blind! She's hindering you to do your job perfectly! You are my best servant. The best Correspondence of Hell I have so I wouldn't let her make you feel emotions. I'll stop it now."

"What are you going to do?!" I raised my voice at him.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me!"

"I said what are you going to do?!" It didn't stop me from raising my voice.

"I'll do that girl."

"What are going to do with Y/N?!"

"I'll take her soul. I'll make her suffer. I'll lock her where no one can find, even you!" He said as he pointed at me.

"NO! Don't you dare take her!"

"FOOL! Who are you to command me?! Aren't I, your Master, Enma? The one who saved you from pain and suffering."

"I don't care! Don't lock her soul! Don't you dare!"

"Insolent servant!" He stood up. He grabbed my neck and pinned me against the wall.

"Remember this, Ai Enma. You are not in place to command me nor anyone here. You are not in place to question my decision because YOU ARE JUST MY SERVANT. Do you understand?"

I didn't answer.

"Now, do me a favor and take her soul for me."

Damn you, MOH! I won't let you lock her. I won't. I'm not sure what I felt earlier. I don't know if it's a real emotion when we kissed but even so, I won't let her be hurt or suffered like I did. I won't allow anyone to touch her. I WON'T!

"Answer me! I said, TAKE HER SOUL!"




Then he laughed like crazy.

"HAHAHA! You think you can get away from me nor disobey me? You have no control in your life. I do."

I stared at him angrily.

"Well, well. It's been a while since I saw that look in your eyes, pure hatred which I love seeing the most. Enma, just to remind you. You can't get away from being a Correspondence of Hell. It is your job for eternity."

He is right. I am locked. I am stucked here. There's no way to be freed. But I can still save Y/N from being lock.

"MOH. Please, I will follow you. I will do anything you say. I will stay away from her just please don't lock her soul."

I stared at him intently without breaking eye contact. Then he laughed again.

"HAHAHA! Did you just say? PLEASE?! You are a disgraceful servant."

"I will perfectly do my job again. Just please don't take and lock her."

I bowed down in front of him. I won't let her be locked because I know she will suffer for eternity. I won't let him hurt Y/N. I won't.

"It's good to see my best servant bow down before me. Alright, I'll accept what you suggested. I will break the contract with her and will erase her memory too. Are you fine with that?"

"I am. As long as she isn't lock. But Master, let me be the one to erase her memory. I wanted to see her for one last time."

"Go. And do your job quickly."

"I will."


Sorry for the short chapter. But the next one will be the last chapter of Y/N and Emma's story. Keep reading! Thanks and love y'all, Reader-chan!

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