CH. 17 - Ai Enma (Jigoku Shoujo) V

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I'm looking for Y/N. I have to erase her memories. She will forget about me. She'll forget about me. Forget about me...

I keep on repeating it to myself and I don't exactly know what I feel right now. Somehow, it hurts. I've been hurt before.. I knew this feeling but... what I don't know is the reason behind it.

What do I feel? What do I feel towards her? Is my emotions real? Do I care for her? Do.. Do I love her? I wish I could get an answer to those questions but couldn't.

Hmm. She's not in our shared apartment. Maybe she's in the hospital. I went to the hospital and found her on the rooftop.

"Y/N." I called her.

"Ohh. Hi En!" She run to hug me then whisper to my ear. "I miss you."

I pull away. I look into her eyes. I notice it is dull. All I can see is sadness.

"Are you doing fine?" She looks down.

"Ahmm. It's just that I am worried about my sister's operation."


"The doctor said that there's only 50% chance of success rate on her operation. I.. It's just.. What if it fails? W-what if she dies? I... I can't bear to see her like that." She cries.

It hurts seeing her cry. I wish I could throw all the pain and sadness she feels.

"Y-you'll do that for me?"

"What?" I asked her confusedly.

"You said your thoughts out loud."


"You're so cute, En."

She moves closer and kisses my cheeks.

"Y/N, I know I said to you that after your sister's operation you will just watch her from distance. But..."

"But what?"

"But do you wish to stay by her side even after her operation? And forever?"

"W-what?" Is that possible?"

"It is."


Is this the time to tell her and erase her memories?

"I'll break your contract as Correspondence of Hell."

"What? How? I thought it can't be broken?"

"It can. But I.."

I hesitate to tell her. Deep inside I don't want to tell her or erase her memories. But.. What choice do I have?

"Your memories will be erased."

She only stares at me for minutes then her eyes become wide  on realization.

"N-no! I'll forget about everything! What's the point of being with my sister if I can't remember her?" She exclaimed.

"You won't forget about your sister, your memories about your family or about your friends."

"B-but... What are y-" Her eyes became wide again, realizing something.

"W-wait... M-my memories w-with y-you... Is that you're going to e-erase?" She trembled.

"Yes. I will erase your memories as a Correspondence of Hell. And your memories of me... with me."

"N-no! No! No! I can't bear that!" She cries even harder.

"Then what will you choose? What will you do?"

YURI ONE SHOTS (FEM CHARACTER x FEM READER )Where stories live. Discover now