CH. 06 - Ai Enma (Jigoku Shoujo) II

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"I will." Is all I answered to this girl in front of me.

I didn't think carefully about what she offered but answer right away.

All I wanted to do is to make sure my sister's operation to be successful and to be with her forever but, it isn't possible as much as I loved to. After all, everything in this world has its own boundaries.

What I do know is that in order to be with my sister there's an exchange. Yes, I have to be a Correspondence of Hell alongside this girl in front of me, who I don't know the name is. I should ask her.

"What's your name?"

"Ai Enma." She introduces with an emotionless expression.

It's been a month since you and Enma met that's also how long you have been a Correspondence of Hell.

You have come to realization that it's not easy to be a Correspondence of Hell. You've seen people suffer, plead, revenge, sin, cry, and die. It's heart breaking. You always wonder how Enma manage to do this job without showing no mercy on her targets.

You asked her once but she said it's none of your business. It hurts. Knowing you've been with her for a month yet she still couldn't trust you.

You want that emotionless girl to change. You desire to see her smile but couldn't. She said once that she became a Correspondence of Hell because she wanted to get rid of someone who made her life suffer but she didn't tell you more than that.

You want to know about her more. You want to reach her feelings, her heart but every time you do she always pushes you away. But you didn't want to give up. You still desire to reach her and see her smile, you want her to smile at you, only you. 

This past month has been more confusing. That Y/N girl seems to make a move to reach my feelings but I always push her away.

I don't know what I feel. I don't even know if it's real. How come I feel something when Master of Hell locked my emotions?

I want to confirm what's inside me but I didn't know how. How do I know if I feel happy when all I felt before was hatred and loneliness?

What's the feeling of being happy? I wonder. But all I know right now is I am comfortable to be with Y/N.

Sometimes, I see her crying because of the people she see suffering and pleading but in the end she always let me see her brightest smile.

I know she agreed to be with me because of her sister but sometimes, I wonder if that's her only reason why she stays.


Someone interrupted my thoughts. Ohh, it's Y/N. I look at her indicating that my attention is on her. She continues.

"Do you hate me?" She asked while staring into my eyes

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"Do you hate me?" She asked while staring into my eyes.

"Where does that question came from?" I said plainly.

"I just wanted to know if you hate me. The first time we met I feel like you're concern about me. But a month after you were so cold. And you always push me when I show you concern. Why do you hate me?"

How lame. How can I answer that? How can I explain it to her when I am unsure of what I feel?

"En..." She called my name, sad tone evident in her voice.

I couldn't look at her. I couldn't. I turn around

"Please, look at me."

I pretended not to hear her.

"En, please look at me. Please."

Now her voice is pleading with loneliness I couldn't bear to hear another minute.

I look at her.

"Y/N. I don't hate you."

She kept on staring. Looks like she's waiting for me to continue but that's all I can say.

She stared at the ground, tears slowly falling from her eyes. No. Don't cry.

"Don't cry." I patted her head.

"En... I think I like you."


I look at her, confuse from what I heard. I couldn't form a word.

She took my hand from her head and holds it in between hers.

"I like you, En." She repeated.

"Y/N. I couldn't feel anything."

She tilted her head and looked at me with a confuse face.

"My emotions are locked in hell."


"That's why I couldn't have an emotion. I couldn't feel anything."

"I... I don't understand. Why are you saying this now?"

"All I feel my whole life is hatred and pain and all I see is suffering, loneliness, anger. I didn't even know how to be happy. I couldn't remember how to smile. But... "

I looked at the ground and continued.

"All I know is I don't want to hurt you knowing that I can feel no emotion. I don't want to see you cry or sad, Y/N."

She held my hand tighter.

"Y/N, you know I can't reciprocate those feelings."

"I know." She kissed my hand softly.

Hmm. Her lips are so soft.

She held my chin and lifted my head to let me stare into her eyes.

"Give me a chance, En. Let's date for a month then after that if you still didn't feel anything I'll stop showing my feelings to you."



"Yes. Please En."

"I don't know."

"You don't know what?"

"I don't know how to date."

She laughed. I think her laugh is cute.

"It's okay En. Just leave it to me, alright? So, will you go on a date with me for a month?"

She looked and smiled at me widely.


I didn't know what I just said. I hope to feel something in a month.

"Please Y/N, I want you to make me feel happy even if I didn't felt it before."

She looked at me, eyes wide.

Why is she shock?

Suddenly, she hugs me tightly.

She's so soft. Why is everything about her so soft? Oh well, now I can't breathe.

"Y-Y/N, I can't breathe. Please let go."

She immediately pulled away.

"Oh sorry about that. I'm just happy. Soon enough you'll feel what I feel."

I nod.

"I'm hoping."

"Yes, of course!"

She held my hand then intertwined it with hers.

I am really hoping to feel happy. Please do, Y/N, please. I don't want be an emotionless girl for eternity. I believe in you, Y/N.


So guys, feel free to message me or comment here if you want part 3 of you and Ai Enma's story. Thank you beloved readers! 😘💞

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