Them Crazy Eyes

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I haven't updated in a while, so you guys probably don't remember what happened in the last chapter. So just re-read that if you need to. But... im back! YAY


Lesane ran out the van.

"You tried to escape?" He growled.

I gulped. What was I thinking? I can't do this on my own!

I stood before an angry Lesane. Tupac had come to try and save me but ended up failing a bit.

"No! I just missed you so much, and I walked out the garage to see if you were coming." I lie.

"Oh, I knew I could trust you." He said running up to me.

Lesane planted a kiss on my lips. In the corner of my eye I saw Tupac twitch.

I push Lesane off a little.

"I have the wedding dress." Lesane said smiling.

"You're too kind." I laugh weakly.

He ran back to his van and took out a white dress that was anything but a wedding dress. It had long sleeves and was pretty short.

"C'mon, put it on." He said handing it to me.

I held it close to my chest.

I could feel the gun's cold metal press against my sweating skin.

"Oh! I wont look." Lesane said when I didn't say anything for a while.

He walked out the garage, walked a foot, then stopped. He was pretty close. He could hear anything I said to Tupac.

I start to strip and I could see Tupac, hiding behind boxes started to make sex poses. I rolled my eyes. He always seemed to make jokes even in the most serious situations. I got the dress on me and it fit loosely on me.

I stuffed the gun halfway in my underwear since I had no where else to put it. It was not visible since the dress was loose on me.

Then I remembered one of the rules of marriage, we need a witness.

"Uh, Lesane honey, we can't get married without a witness." I blurt.

He peeks to see if i'm dressed already, then walks in.

"We already have a witness." He said.

"Who?" I ask confused.

"Your friend, Tupac." He said.

"Shit." I hear a voice from the boxes say.

Tupac shuffles out.

"Sup brotha?" Tupac says after a minute of silence.

Then like on cue, they both take out guns and point it at each other.

I stumble back surprised.

"Shoot nigga, I don't care if I die. As long as you go wit me." Tupac shouts.


But I know reasoning with him would be useless. Why is he so darn stubborn?

It was obvious someone was gonna die. What could I do? I could run, that would distract Lesane.

I start running.

"I programed that alarm to blow up the 2nd time you try to escape,." Lesane says coolly.

I stopped in my tracks and felt the cold air blow against my skin.

"You're bluffing." I say.

"Try me."

It becomes silent outside the abandoned house. I feel the ball in my throat rise. I try to swallow down my frustration, but it kept pounding. The tears started to come and I let them fall on my cheek.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" I scream, my voice cracking.

I could see Lesane shaking.

"I just wanted you to love me." He whispers bitterly.

I walk up to Lesane. I don't know what makes me do it, maybe I pitied him, or maybe because I loved him still. I hugged him.Lesane stands there for a moment in shock as I hug him. Until the sound of Tupac unlocking the safety of his gun echos.

Lesane grabs me by the neck and points the gun at my head.

"Stupid. Stupid. Stupid." I silently say to myself.

Tupac growls.

"Shoot me, I shoot her." Lesane said smiling. Like he won something.

"NOW AMIRA!" Tupac shouts.

I knew what he meant. Take out my gun and shoot Lesane. But there has to be a way, I can do this without violence. There has to be...

"Amira, don't do anything you might regret." Lesane said.


My head starts to spin and all I want to do is throw up and wake up from this nightmare.

"I HAVE A CHOICE." I shout.    

It was silent as they both stared at me waiting for an answer.

I raise my hand to Lesane's face. I realize I'm shaking.

"I know why I loved you so much, you had that crazy look in your eyes. Who knew you really were crazy?" I say smiling.

I take one last look into Lesane's crazy eyes. I take out my gun from my back and I shoot Lesane.

Stolen (A Tupac Fanfiction Love Story) (Unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now