The Secret Entry

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  • Dedicated to Your mom lol

~Amira POV~

After we got comfortable on the bed I open the front cover.

"Um, I'm having second thoughts about this." He whispered.

"I won’t laugh." I reassure him.

"August 19, 1983" I start.

He gives me a worried look and I raise my eyebrows.

"First of all, this aint no diary, so don't be thinking I’m some type of sissy.

I try really hard to hold in my laugh but it comes out. And I laugh loud.

"You told me you wouldn't laugh." He whined.

"i-Im sorry baby, it’s just..."

I burst out laughing. After I finished laughing, I read on.

"My name is Tupac Shakur and I’m 12 in the 7th grade. My grades are doing okay and I’m living. My teacher gave this stupid journal to everyone in my class and told us to 'write our feelings down' I wanted to throw this thing out the minute I got it, but I guess I can write stuff down sometimes... how else are my grandchildren suppose to know who I am? "

I turn the page for the next entry and I continue reading.



As we were in the middle of the journal, I felt my eyes closing.

"Is my journal that boring for you?" Tupac voice interuppted.

"No, I’m just tired and it 3am." I say quickly shaking out of it.

"We can finish it later." He said sighing.

I have a feeling he is gonna close up that wall again by the morning.

"You need sleep." He said grabbing the book from my hand.

"Nooo." I groan.

"Gimme!" I say grabbing the book.

He grabs it back and he raises his arm really high so I couldn't get it.

I reached as hard as I could but couldn't get it. He laughed mocking me.

I got frustrated and jumped up and grabbed it

I stuck my tongue out at him.

He jumped up too and took his journal. We wrestled for the notebook until he pulled the trick of throwing it, but not really throwing it on me. He acted like he threw the book across the room and I looked but I didn't see it, and by than he was out of the room. I ran after him feeling my adrenaline pump.

I stopped in the kitchen and I saw Tupac hiding it on top of a shelf.

"Why are we even fighting over your journal again?" I sigh.

"Im not even sure myself." He says taking the journal from the shelf.

I laughed tired.

He let out a sly smile.

"Oops." He said.

I walked up to him wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You're hiding something." I say matter of factly.

I can tell in his eyes he is hiding something.

"Tupac, what’s wrong?" I ask.

He shifts his eyes from my stare. But he stays silent.

"Is there something in your journal you don't want me to see?" I guess.

He stared at me than looked away again and shrugged.

"There is absolutely nothing in there that would make me love you any less." I say pushing his chin gently to face me.

"Even if I perhaps by any chance, and I’m not saying I did, get HIV?" He asked.

"Shit Tupac you have HIV?!" I almost yell feeling panic rise. I loosen my grip on him.

"NO! I was just testing you." He said quickly.

"Thank God, I would have killed you. Literally." I say.

"See!  You told me that there would be nothing that would make you love me any less." He said pushing my arms off him.

"Sure, I would kill you, than I would immediately see what I did and kill myself. Than we would both be in heaven with HIV." I say defending myself.

I touched his arm.

"You would actually go to hell since you killed me." He said scratching the back of his ear.

"Stop ruining my dreams." I say punching his arm.

His hand touched my neck and leads me to his lips. He kissed me like he was telling me a sweet secret, and trusting me not to tell. I kissed with just as much emotion.

After the kiss I rested my head on his shoulders and he held me tight for a while.

"Did you get a woman pregnant?" I ask.

"Maybe." Is all he said.

~Tupac POV~

I felt the sunlight on my eyelids and I moaned as I turned to hide my face in my pillow. I dropped my hand where Amira's thigh is supposed to be. But I just felt the bed sheet. I looked up from my pillow and she wasn't there. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I feel the bed pulling me back into its warmth.

"Maybe a little more sleep." I say staring at my pillow with a longing feeling.

But something stopped me. I saw a piece of paper on Amira's pillow. I picked it up and opened it.

Fuck you Tupac.

Was written on the note. My heart dropped south. Did Amira use me like that? Did she read my entry?! Why did I let her read it? I felt tears stinging my eyes. Then I see the name written on the bottom.


I felt a tiny bit of relief but I was still alarmed by this. I hopped off our king sized bed and started to walk towards the living room. On the coffee table was a small yellow note. I picked it up and read it.

Dear Amira's meddling ex-boyfriend,

When I realized Amira had loved you more, I was furious and I knew the only way I could have her was by taking her myself. You won’t ever be seeing her again. I hope you guys at least got to say your final goodbyes, unlike the chance I got with Amira. 



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