The Stripper Bar

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~Amira POV~

I huffed at the "No Dog Allowed" sign in front of the bar. Manny whimpered. How can I leave him out in the cold so long? 

"I will only be in there for a second to see if Tupac's alright." I say rubbing his head around. I gave him a biscuit I carried around whenever I walked with him. I tied him to a "STOP" pole and ran inside the warm bar.

I looked around and my smile turned into a frown. There were strippers everywhere. 

"Welcome master." A girl said kissing my cheek.

I wiped it hard with sleeve hoping I didn't catch any kind of STD. I tried my best to keep my ice cream sundae in my stomach and I walked away from my all those naked women on poles. 

"Tupac honey?" I call.

What was he doing in a stripper bar? His friends must have dragged him here. 

I feel a hand push some kind of paper up my sleeve. I scream and I slapped the air behind me. 

"Hey!" I hear him shout.

It was one of Tupac's friends. I shrugged and gave an apologetic look. I walked away quickly and I took the money out my sleeve. 1 dollar. Wow cheap ass motherfucker. I threw it to some stripper and she winked at me.

"And you better use that to feed ySaveour kids." I shout after her.

"Thank you!" She says.

I try to focus on finding Tupac. It was really crowded though.

I finally see a bald head poke out from a seat and I was relieved. I walked up to the person. It was Tupac and there he was slapping around a stripper's ass and laughing.

I nodded. Figures.


~Tupac POV~ 

I was starting to appreciate the fact Amira wasn't here. I was getting lap dances everywhere. And I got "The Special Treatment" because I was a celebrity. It was amazing. Well, until I saw Amira staring at me with a deathly stare. 

"Her butt is so much bigger than mine." I hear a voice sigh behind me.

I turn around and see Amira standing there with her arms on her hips. She was wearing a long coat and she was looking at me with the stare of a million arrows about to blow. I could see the fire in her eyes. I gulped.

"Heeey, you caame." I croak.

"I’m changing my number, and I never wanna see your bald ass anywhere near me. If you break these rules I will not hesitate to call the cops." She says as I see tears fill her eyes.

"No no no no Amira." I say trying to touch her.

"Don't touch me with your filthy hands." She said quietly moving from my touch.

A few undergrounds turned their heads. They need to mind their business.

"It’s not like I’m cheating. Im just having fun." I shrug.

She stared at me with sad eyes.

"You know what. You always hurt me like this. There is never a moment when we fight like this. Are we even a real couple anymore? I mean-" She paused wiping her eyes with her sleeve.

"You're the worst boyfriend I ever had, yet I can't get you out my head." She says.

"I’m sorry Amira." I say sincerely.

Stolen (A Tupac Fanfiction Love Story) (Unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now