Sealed With a Kiss

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I plan to post a lot of chapters today to make up for the 3 months I never posted, again, sorry. BTW its ending today or tomorrow. There is only 1 more chapter left )): 


I covered my eyes with my arm when I hear the bullet. Amira screams.

I run to her and she grabs onto me sobbing.

"I killed him." She kept repeating in my sweater.

I held her tight even though she had blood splattered on her clothes. She was shaking really hard. I wasn't sure if it was from the cold or because she just murdered someone.

I kiss her on the forehead.

She stares at me then goes back to weeping in my shirt.

After a while she finishes crying. It becomes silent again.

"What are we gonna do with the body?" She whispers.

"Its too risky to call the police." I add.

"I can't leave him to rot!" She exclaims.

My mind was racing of what I should do but all them seemed like they would fail.

"Lets just bury him." She says.

"Isn't that too much wo-"

She gives me a death stare.

"This is all I ask of you." She says.

I sigh.

"We don't have shovels." I say.

I let her out of my arms as she searches for them all over the half empty garage.

I hear a loud clatter of metal.

"I FOUND IT!" She says.

"Great." I say sarcastically.

She came back with two shovels.

"Now we can both dig."


After we finished digging the hole behind the house, we heaved his body into it.

"Well this is a story to tell my grandchildren." Amira laughs after we put Lesane's body in it.


"No!" She says.

"Oh, good. I'm not ready for children yet." I say wiping the sweat from my forehead.

"What if I were pregnant?" Amira asks staring at me.

"You couldn't be because I know how to put a condom on." I prove.

"Did you put one on last time we-"

Amira looks down and screams. I look down with her and see Lesane grabbing her leg and trying to come out the grave.

She stabs his hand with her shovel. Lesane yells, his eyes roll back and he drops back in his grave.

We are both breathing hard. She looks up at me and nervously laughs. I laugh with her. 

"C' mon, lets finish it." I say.

She grabs my hand and for a moment and she stares at me.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you too." I say.

I kiss her and she kisses me back. The kiss felt like a pinky promise. The one you make as kids. To reassure someone that you will do something. And this one was to keep this only between us. I understood.

After we buried Lesane, we parked his van in the garage and busted his license plate.

"How are we going to get back home?" She whines.

"My car." I say.


"About a er- mile away."

"Carry meee." She whines.

"You aint a baby, walk." I say. I start walking.

She grumbles but follows me. When we get to the car, she stops as if in shock.

"Oh my gosh, im going to hell." She whispers.


"Im going to hell Tupac." She says with dread.

"Then i'm going with you." I say.

"What are you talking about?"

"I was an accessory in the murder. Its only right I get punished too." I say smiling.

"You serious?" She laughs.

"Yes. We're gonna burn in hell together." I say seriously.

"Just open the damn car." She giggles.


Its a long drive home. Amira put some beats on and I decided to freestyle to them. I was trying to cheer her up as best I can.

She jumped in a few times and failed all times.

"You know, I'm trying my best here." She says innocently when I start laughing at what she calls "her rapping."

"I think you might need to try harder."

"You know what, Im done."

She took the tape out the radio, crossed her arms and stared out the window.

"Come on baby, put the tape back in." I sigh.

"No because supposedly I can't rap."

"At least give me a kiss." I reply.

She is silent.

"Ok" She finally says.

She kisses me on my cheek twice but then goes back to sulking.

"You okay?"

"I'm just... scared." Amira says.

"Of what?" I ask.

"Going back home. Will things be different? The same? How can I even look my mother in my eye knowing I killed someone." She says barely over a whisper.

"Hey, don't worry. It was self defense." I say trying to comfort her.

"It's still murder."

"No, there is a whole difference between murder and self defense."


I park by the side of the rode.

"Hey what's the big idea?" She yells with a scowl on her face.

I turn to her and she turns away from my look.

"You can't keep holding this against yourself Amira. It will just eat you up inside until you can't take it, and it will turn you crazy, or you will end yourself. And I care about you too much to watch you suffer."

There were tears in her eyes.

"Your promise to forget about it?"

She nodded, still not looking at me.

I bring her face in my hands and kiss her. She is hesitant, but kisses me back.

We made many promises today. But I have a feeling they won't be broken.

Stolen (A Tupac Fanfiction Love Story) (Unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now