I Need Some Time

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~Tupac POV~

"You're already married?" Lesane asked.

"Noo, Tupac's just my... something?" She said looking up at me confused.

"Lover." I say.

"Yeah." She said kissing my cheek.

I wrap my arm around her waist.

Lesane was getting on my nerves, how can he just all of a sudden pop up out of thin air delivering Chinese food? Why did he never search for her again? If he really loved her, he would.

"Why did you never come to look for her?" I ask a little too harsh.

She steps on my foot and gives me a deadly look. I stare back at her with a what-the-heck face. She stares at me with a Be-nice-face. I roll my eyes.

"What he means to say, is: where were you all this time?" 

"I was in Washington, and I had amnesia for a long time. I was trying to figure myself out and I recently started to remember everything about 6 months ago." He says.

"It’s all my fault, I’m so sorry." 

"No Amira, it was my fault. I shouldn't have followed you out there." He disagreed.

I started to feel a little sorry for the dude. 

"I’m gonna go let you guys have your own private time." I say raising my hands up and walking away. I come back and snatch the Chinese food out his hand. 

Lesane nodded after me. 

 ~Amira POV~

This was the happiest day in my life. When seeing him there. I had lost my breath. And even as I was talking to him now, I held my breath, scared that if I breathed out, he would turn to dust and leave again. 

"You still look as young as 13." Lesane complimented me.

"Thank you." I say.

Then I realize I was just in Tupac's shirt and tiny shorts. I pulled the shirt down as much as I could.

"Are you in good health?" I ask him.

He nodded.

"Me too." I laugh.

I sniffed and stared up at him. He opened his arms. I hugged him.

"I missed you so much." I say.

"I missed you too." He said hugging me tighter.

He was warm even after coming out from the cold outside. And he smelled like restaurant. I never wanted to let go, not yet. Not again. I could tell he didn't want to let go either.

I felt eyes stare through my back. I turned a little and saw Tupac with his eyes narrowed at us and his mouth open, about to say something.

"Well, thank you." I say letting go of Lesane.

"Are you going to stay in the neighborhood?" I ask.

"Yes, of course. For you." He said.

I smiled.

"Do you want my phone number? You can page me if you want." I say.

"I would like that a lot." 

"Do you have a paper and a pen?"

"Here." He said giving me a paper from the receipt on our food. And the pen from his jacket.

I write my phone number and I hand it to him.

"I have to get back to my job, I'll page you later." Lesane says.

I wave and he walks out the door.

I stare at the door as it swings shut and I just stare after him. 

"Do you love him still?" I hear Tupac ask behind me.

I turn to him remembering he was there. 

I nod.

"I see how it is." He said walking away with the Pepsi can from the Chinese food bag.

 "Tupac." I whine his name.

"What?! I can't be with a woman in love with another man." He said turning to me.

"What about Jack?" I ask.

"He was a white boy, and you didn't really love him if you were able to quickly be with me." 

I let out an angry sigh. 

"Maybe I just need some time to figure stuff out." I say walking towards the stairs.

"You can't just say you need to figure stuff out and come back months later." 

I stop climbing the steps.

"I never did that." I say.

He was quiet for a while.

"Tupac?" I call.

I run back downstairs and I see him leaning against the kitchen counter staring up.

I could see him filled with sadness. Before I could stop myself, I had him in my arms.

I rub his back.

"You don't have to worry about me doing that." I say.

"I love you too much too be away from you for more than 24 hours." I laugh.

He finally moves and it’s too kiss me. I kiss him back.

"You won’t be gone long?" He asked.

"I wouldn't dream of it." 

"I'll miss you." 

"So will I." I agree.

He kisses me again and I stare back into his dark eyes.


 "Goodbye." I say waving to Tupac.

"See you in the next 24 hours." He jokes.

"Of course." 

I give him one last smile and I turn around to get the next bus.

Stolen (A Tupac Fanfiction Love Story) (Unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now