First Day Wreck

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~Amira POV~

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing non-stop.

I put my hand on my dresser trying to find it. I'm half asleep when I answer.

"Yeah." I mumble into the phone.

"GIRL! YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE!" I hear Chloe shout into the phone.

My eyes widen and I grab my alarm clock.

It was 10am already. I have to get there by 10: 10 am.

"Oh my gosh oh my gosh." I say scurrying out of bed.

"Exactly, now hurry up!" She says.

"How did you even know I was gonna sleep late?" I ask, trying as fast as I can to get my clothes off.

"I know you girl." Chloe says before hanging up.

I jump in the shower and I take a quick one. I do my makeup in 5 minutes, and it still looks pretty good. I let my braids fall to my waist.

I put on some blue jeans and I tucked in my  tight white long sleeve shirt with a peace sign on it. I stuffed on my black boots and my black coat.  I head for the bus with my purse and a banana in my hand. I stepped on the colorful leaves that had fell from their trees. The weather was already getting cold.

Once I got on the bus, I noticed it was oddly empty. When my stop came I jumped off and headed towards the movie yard. I went to number 23 studio. I saw the whole crew there. Regina King and even Janet, with her boyfriend.

The director came up in my face, he was oddly short.

"You're late Amira! Tupac is in his trailer!" He told me.

"I'm sorry, I'll get to his trailer right away!" I say urgently.

I wave at Janet. She turns from her boyfriend and waves at me with a smile. I almost died. She noticed me!!!

I leave the studio and I find Tupac's trailer. I open the door forgetting to knock.

When I get in, I notice it smelled really nice, and it was really warm in here. It gave me a sweet feeling. But the sweet feeling washed away the moment I laid eyes on him.

Tupac was in his underwear trying to put on his costume. I drop my purse in surprise.

We sort of just look at each other for a few seconds.

"I'm just gonna..." I awkwardly say.

I walk backwards out the trailer. I need to start knocking. I was blushing really hard. What is wrong with me? I noticed I forgot my purse. Just as I think this, Tupac opens the door with a smile on his face.

"Lil' mama, you forgot something." He said holding my purse out.

He was still in his underwear. I grabbed it blushing.

"Put some clothes on, i'm going to be your makeup artist Amira." I mumble.

"Alright." He said.

He came back out a few minutes later with clothes on.

"You can come in." He says.

"Thank you." I say walking in.

Tupac fell on his chair next to his mirror.

"Lets do this." He said.

I took some makeup out my purse and I sat on a stool opposite to him. I noticed he had really nice features. His skin was perfect for makeup and his eyes had this beautiful look in it. I found myself looking into his eyes for a long time. He started to smile. I snapped out of it.

"Can you give my eyes that innocent look?" He asked.

'They already have that.' I hold myself from saying.

I nodded and I started his eye makeup.

 Please do not be a silent reader! Vote! Comment! And Share! I would appreciate it so much! I love you all.

Stolen (A Tupac Fanfiction Love Story) (Unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now