A Shooting Star

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~Amira POV~

1 month later

I stare deeply into the stars, feeling myself being pulled into a different world. I fall back when I feel Tupac shift in the grass and grumble a curse.

"Can't you just enjoy nature for once?" I laugh.

"Enjoy the colony of ants crawling up my arm?" Tupac sighed.

"And its cold." He finished complaining.

I turn over so I can hug him in the grass.

"Is it warmer?" I ask.

He was quiet. But I wished he would talk. Say something witty I urge in my mind.

I stare up at him. I wished I could find out what was going through his mind. So I could better understand him.

"Tell me." I say kicking his leg lightly with my boot.

"Nothing." He replied.

"If you say 'nothing', I know something's wrong." I say smiling.

I know this man more than I knew the back of my hand, but yet, I still didn't. I rested my hand on his cheek and he stared at me for a moment then looked back up at the stars.

"I feel so jealous of those stars." He finally spoke.

I blinked confused.

"They stare down at us looking pretty as we are down here struggling to survive." He says.

"I would do anything to be a star." 

"The grass is always greener on the other side." I blurt

"The stars are probably just as jealous because we can move, speak, breath, and love, and they can't." I say quickly.

"Stars are in love with us humans." Tupac adds.

"Of course, they're always following us around, staring for as long as they can." I add smiling.

"Look!" I almost scream.

A shooting star.

That was my first time seeing a shooting star. I have always lived in the city, so I could never really see the stars. But being out here on the country side was like a whole new world.

"It looked just like you when I first kissed you." I joked.

I remember in the trailer when he told me he loved me. And I teased him with a kiss. It was like his eyes had this gold glow in it.

"Shut up." He mumbled.

"Gimme a kiss." I say puckering my lips out.

He kissed them without hesitation. Feeling his lips on mine was a relief. 

"I keep forgetting how amazing your kisses are." He said after the kiss.

I laugh and I put my nose on his. Tupac always liked those.


Tupac draped his arm over my shoulder as we walked back to the house we were staying in.

"Why do you always like to take me out of the city?" I ask wrapping my cold hand around his hand on my shoulder. It was warm and rough.

He has been taking me to many different states and sites and I enjoy them so much. 

"Because, a girl as beautiful as you deserves to see everything the world has to offer." He said giving me a crooked smile.

"You corny." I say looking away.

But I was blushing.

When we got into the house, I felt warmth crawl up me and I realized how cold I was outside. Then the drowsiness hit me and I was trying my best from falling asleep right there.

"I’m tired." I yawn.

"Then we can go to sleep." He says taking off his coat and kicking off his shoes.

I head for the bedroom and I walk past the kitchen. I stop and I see something on the brown table. It was a neatly wrapped box big enough to fit a child's head. The ribbon tied on it was red, and the box was white. I picked it up and it felt heavy. I opened the lid carefully and I saw a book. It had a plain black cover but a small name "Tupac Shakur" was at the top. It was thick and I stared at it curiously.

"It’s my journal." 

Tupac's voice made me jump. I turned and saw him leaning against the door frame with a serious face.

"Since you shared yours with me, I want to you know, share mine with you." He said shrugging.

Finally. I can get through his brain, figure him out. It felt like I was uncovering the biggest secret of the century. And he trusted me, I finally felt like we were getting somewhere.

"Can we read it together?" I ask eagerly.

"Sure, if you want." He replied.

"I want to laugh, cry, and smile with you. So of course I’m going to read it with you." I say grabbing his hand. I pulled him into our bedroom.

Stolen (A Tupac Fanfiction Love Story) (Unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now