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~Amira POV~

"Jack you can't pick me up. Janet had a makeup accident and now we have to redo all the filming." I say stuttering. That’s a habit. I stutter when I lie.

"Okay baby, see you tonight." He says.

"Mhm." I agree.

I hang up and I look up at Tupac standing in front of me.

"Was that your brother?" He asked.

"Um, no he's my boyfriend." I say.

"Oh." Tupac said looking the other way.

He sat down next to me on the curb and my hair started to blow in the cold wind.

"Lesane." He finally says after a minute.

"Huh?" I ask turning to him.

"You told me you were gonna tell me about him." He said.

"Oh yeah." I say.

I start the story.

"Lesane was my first love. It was in middle school. It only lasted 2 years but he was everything to me. We met in detention and he called me-" I get interrupted by him.

"The prettiest girl he ever saw." Tupac finished for me.

I nodded and continued.

"We met in the park and he had hurt me by accident, he spent all his money on getting my bandages. We met again in our school yard and he told me his name and then told me he loved me, even though we didn't even know each other. I didn't say anything; I just stared at him for a long time."  I say remembering the time.

"We started to talk and we got to know each other, he told me a lot about his past and I loved listening to him. He was really deep for a 12 year old." 

"I didn't tell myself this, but I loved him. I remember the day he finally told me he loved me again. It was on Valentine’s Day and he came up to my front door wearing a suit and he was holding a box of chocolates. He looked so adorable. My dad was standing there with me and yet he still stood there."

"Then he finally said he loved me and right when my dad was just about ready to beat him to China, he handed me the box of chocolates and ran away." I said.

Tupac started to smile.

"Did he always run away?" He asked.

"Yes." I giggle.

"He sounds familiar, maybe there was a guy like him on my street." He said.

I cocked my head to the side.

"Maybe. My dad threw away the chocolate box but I dug it out the trash and ate all the chocolates. Then I found a ring in it. With a little heart. I knew how poor he was, so seeing that, made me cry. I cried so much. I don't know why. Then there was a small poem on a card. It just made me cry harder. He was so sweet. Th poem was posted in my journal. I still wear that ring till this day. “I say.

I show him the ring.

"It’s actually sorta stuck on my finger since my finger had grown and it wouldn't come off." I laughed.

"That’s so sweet." He says touching the ring. He quickly moved his hand away like he was touching fire.

"Then the next day, I walked up to him and kissed him straight on the cheek, I couldn't do it on the lips because I knew my father would kill me." I explained.

"The rest of it is history, we dated until 8th grade and then he moved." I quickly say trying not to remember the rest.

"That’s it? Really?" Tupac said not believing me.

"Yeah." I lie.

What really happened is a secret, in my journal.

I stand up.

"Thanks for listening." I whisper.

"No problem." He whispers.

I itch to touch him. I slowly bury my head into his jacket and I squeeze him in a hug. He hugged me back. I wanted to deny it, but my heart fluttered in my chest. 

Stolen (A Tupac Fanfiction Love Story) (Unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now