I'm Getting Married?

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~Tupac POV~

I loaded myself with all the guns I had and wrapped my bullet proof vest under my shirt. I knew where they were, at Lia's house, the place where Lesane had gotten shot. Luckily Amira had scribbled their old addresses in her journal of each of the 3 L's. If they weren't there, Im calling my homies to search the whole state of Washington. I don't know what was wrong with me. Why was I so desperate to find her? I never... all I just know is I have to find her. Than a flash went through my mind and I could almost see Amira being tortured, hurt. I could almost hear her screams, feel it. I staggered back and took a deep breath. I reassured myself she was OK. But I knew deep down she wasn't.

I ran out my door barely even thinking.


~Amira POV~

"I’m starting to think you hate me baby." Lesane says stroking my hair.

I try to keep my best smiling face.

"Why would you think that, of course I-I love you." I had to say the last part through grit teeth.

"Then why don't you want me to wed you right now?" He asked.

"Because, I don't want to marry in an abandon's building garage." I laugh nervously.

He tugs hard on my hair.

"Why are you making me wait any longer?" He growled.

"But, I um don't have an um dress." I say looking down at what I was wearing. I was wearing sweat pants and a thin black T-shirt. And heck was it cold.

"Oh yes, let’s get you one." He agrees.

I let out a small breath of relief.

"I’m going to go get your dress at a local store nearby, I'll miss you." He said trying to kiss me.

"Let’s save the kisses for the honeymoon." I say putting my hand in front of his lips.

He smiled and nodded. Then ran off.

Here came my chance. I just needed to get the stupid alarm off.

Lesane had kidnapped me while I was asleep and packed me in his van. You must be imagining him taping my mouth and slamming me into a dark cold van, but he didn't even hurt me.

He actually gave me lots of snacks and water in the back. I didn't eat or drink any of them of course. I wasn't even tied. Well that probably because he put an alarm on me. I was about to break out when I had saw he had a gun in his pocket. I just sat still praying. He took me to an old abandoned house and we're in the garage. What upsetted me was that ass Tupac didn't even hear my muffled screams when Lesane was pulling me off the bed! Like Jesus how tired was he?! Then I think about him. How panicked he must be. And I won’t be there to comfort him. Will I even ever see him again? My heart ached.

"Tupac." I whispered touching the necklace he gave me.


I could almost hear him calling me back.


I smiled.

"Amira, if you don't getcho-"

I screamed, surprised there was a voice actually calling me.

I looked to where the voice was coming from and I saw Tupac standing there with a gun in his hand smiling at me.

I ran to him and jumped in his arms. I kissed him all over.

"Are you alright? Where is Lesane?" Tupac showered me with questions.

He touched me up and down looking for bruises.

"Im fine. How did you find me?"

"I knew you guys were at Lia's house." He says proud of himself.

"Oh, we're in Lia's house." I say finally understanding. 

"Where is Lesane?" He asked looking over my shoulder.

"Oh, out to buy me a wedding dress." I say innocently.

Tupac gives me a weird look.

"I will tell you later." I laugh.

"Let’s get you out of here before he comes." 

Tupac grabs my hand and starts to run with me.

"NO! WAIT, WAIT NOOO!" I shout.

But it’s too late. The alarm starts to beep.

"Crap." He says looking at the alarm beeping.

"Yeah, that’s the word." I say feeling panic rise.

I shiver in the cold air.

Tupac wraps his arms around me realizing I’m cold. He feels warm.

"Why did I get you in this, it’s my problem that I need to handle myself. " I say looking up at him.

"Are you asking me to leave?" He asked.

"No, just let me handle this alone." I say touching his hand.

"And I don't think violence will solve anything," I say taking the gun out his hand.

"If he lays a finger on you, I won’t hesitate to shoot him." He says seriously.

"I know." I say kissing his cheek.

I hear the crinkling of gravel close by and I know its Lesane's van.

Tupac slipped from my grip and hid like planned. I notice the gun in my hand and I hide it in the back of my pants.

Lesane ran out the van.

"You tried to escape?" He growled.

I gulped. What was I thinking? I can't do this on my own!

Sorry so much for never posting guys, school has been in the way, and I had this thing where I didn't have the power to write for some reason. But I hope you enjoyed. 

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