One Crazy Night

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~Tupac POV~

My eyes flutter open and I see nothing but blue skies. And then I see flashes, and then I hear talking, loud chattering around me. I pull my head down and I look too see reporters and paparazzi everywhere around me. What the hell, whats happening? I try to stand up but feel something pull me down. 

I look at the thing to find it was Amira. I felt her hand wrapped in mine and she was asleep.

"What the..." I try to say, but I had this huge headache, I just wanted to lie back on the bench and fall back to sleep.

"Tupac, who is this woman and what were you doing with her?" I hear a reporter ask.

"Can we see her face please?" One of the paparazzi asked.

I hid her face in jacket and gave everyone deadly stares. 

"I can't have a decent nap without you motherfuckers everywhere." I say, but it comes out groggy.

I hold back a burp and I heave Amira on my back.

I heard camera flash like crazy. I wanted to punch every single one of them in the face, but I also wanted to collapse. 

I tried my best to run from them like I've learnt in the hood from running from the 5.0, except Amira was pretty heavy.

I stick my middle finger up them.

They keep following anyway.

"Tupac?" I hear Amira mumble.

"Yeah? We gotta go, the media here." I say a little worried.

"What?" She laughed.

"Wait, what?!" She said more serious.

I turned to look at her and she was awake.

"Why am I on your back? I’m so confused." She said running her hands through her hair.

I hide behind a truck and I wait a few minutes before I look back and they're gone.

"Drop me." Amira says.

I drop her and she was on her feet fine.

"Okay, so, do you remember anything from last night?" I ask.

She closed her eyes and shook her head.

"I feel like crap." She says.

"You're not crap, you're beautiful." I say touching her face.

She smiles a little.

"Wanna come to my place and figure stuff out?" I ask her.

"Yeah." She says.

"Is it just me or are you really thirsty" I wonder.

"Yeah, gimme a drink." She says.

"Alright." I say wrapping my arms around her.

She leans on me as we walk to a store.


"Okay, so, I remember Jack." Amira says emptying out her bottle of water in her mouth.

We were at my house in my kitchen.

"Wow out of everything you remember Jack?" I say raising my eyebrows.

"Hush little boy, let me tell you what happened." She says.

"I’m 2 years older than you." I say.

"So, there I was coming home and..." She said ignoring me.

She gasped.

"So were you! You were there and we were both extremely drunk and Jack was really nervous when he saw us." She says looking up trying to remember.

Stolen (A Tupac Fanfiction Love Story) (Unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now