Your Gift

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~Amira POV~ 

Once I open the door to my house, I hear the TV on. Manny comes running to me and I pet him.

"Sh." I tell Manny suspicious of who was there.

It could be Jack. I relax a little and I kick my boots off.

I walk into the living room and I see everything still the same and the TV was on playing like I thought. I turned and saw something that should have stopped my heart.

Jack was on the couch making out with someone. 

"WHAT THE HELL!" I scream.

They stopped kissing and Jack looked at me with his eyes almost out his sockets.

"I-I-" He tried to explain.

I realized this is what I did to him. He was only returning it. I deserved this. I felt a ping of guilt. I was no different than him. I had no right to call him anything.

His partner turned around and I did a double take. It was a man.

"Y-you're gay?" 

"Amira, I can explain." Jack said standing up.

"I would very much like that." I say putting a hand on my hip,

"Um, this is Alejandro." He said pointing to his partner.

"And Alejandro, that is Amira, my um girlfriend." He said scratching his head.

"Alejandro and I have been secretly dating for a few years now." 

"Okay, but that doesn't explain why you wanted to get back with me." I say.

"My parents are homophobic and they had asked me why I haven't been in other relationships and I needed to come up with an excuse, so I told them I still loved you. And they forced me to get back with you." He said.

"That’s, perfect. And you decided to have a make out session on my couch?" I say sarcastically.

"Im so sorry Amira." He said.

"You better be." I sigh tired.

"Well, um now get the fuck out my house and never come back. Like, I never want to see your face again. And make sure the door fucking slams you in the eye. Because I don't want to waste my time doing it." I say.

He nods and grabs his stuff and Alejandro follows him out the door.

"Slam it." I say after them.

I hear a bang and a small cry and I smiled.

"Well Manny, this was the longest day of my life." I murmur turning the TV off.

He comes next to me and whimpers. I fall on my carpet and I stare up at my ceiling.

"Sleepover." I laugh weakly.

My eyelids fall heavy and the last thing I see is the small tiles on my tan ceiling.


"Manny, pick it up." I whine.

Manny barks at my ringing phone.

I groan and I pick it up, my back feeling stiff. The carpet isn't exactly an ideal place to sleep.

"Yes?" I answer.

"Why didn't you tell me?! You and Tupac are a thing now? I mean I know you told me the other day about how he loved you but I didn't really think you would be with him." Chloe said really quickly into the phone.

Stolen (A Tupac Fanfiction Love Story) (Unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now