Now He Knows

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 ~Amira POV~

"Hello again." I say dropping my bag in Tupac's trailer.

"Hey." I hear him say behind me.

I turn to face him and I see he is already on his chair smiling up at me.

Seeing him smiling made a small smile twitch on my face.

"The usual?" I ask.

He nodded.

I sat down in front of him and took some makeup out my purse.

I glanced at him and then took a second look when I see his eyes again. In his eyes, I could see him living thousands of lives in them. I feel a soft feeling wash over me and I relax into his gaze.

I quickly started his makeup.

I tried as much as possible to avoid eye contact with him, but it was like it was pulling at me.

"Done." I say after 5 minutes.

"Whats the rush?" He asks me.

"Um, I have another client." I say.

"I thought I was special." He said smiling.

"That depends, if my answer is negative, does that mean I'm fired?" I ask placing my makeup in my bag.

"Yes." He says.

"Then of course you're special sweetie." I say sarcastically patting his cheek.

He jerked at me in a silly way, making me almost trip. He grabbed me by the arm and we were in that awkward position for a few seconds.

"You can let go of me now." I say looking up at him smiling.

"What's on your arm?" He asked really serious. He was scanning my arm.

I had almost forgot about the scars. I snatched my arm back and covered it back with my sweater. The smile from his face that was once there was now gone, like it never existed.

It got quiet for a few seconds. Why did he have to go and embarrass me like that? I didn't want him to know about me. Why did I want to let him in so bad? I swallowed words that were trying to come out my mouth.

"Sorry Amira, that's none of my business." He said real quiet.

I nodded and walked out with my bag.

I had forgotten all about my scars. Those days with my "friends." I  hid the memory deep behind and came up to Janet's trailer.

I knocked on Janet's trailer and she opened the door with a huge smile on her face.

"Hey Amira! Come in." Janet beckoned me.

I climbed in her trailer and instantly smelled her perfume.

"Thanks again Amira." Janet said sitting in her fluffy chair.

"No problem." I say.

I can't wait to shove this into my friends' faces. I'm doing Janet Jackson's makeup.

When I finished her makeup and handed her a mirror,  she gasped.

"I haven't looked this good since Justin, my old makeup artist, when I was 12." She giggled.

"Thank you Janet." I say a little pleased in myself.

"No Amira, thank you." She said.

 ~Tupac POV~

The scars I saw on Amira's arms still bothered me the whole filming time. I kept taking glances at her sitting alone writing in her notebook.

The minute the director screamed 'go home', I ran to Amira, who was already heading out.

I grabbed her arm and she whipped around to face me.

"What?" She asked surprised/annoyed.

I could tell by the look in her eyes she didn't feel like talking. I opened my mouth then closed it.

"Nothing." I say.

She raised her eyebrows then turned away from me.

I walked back and I glanced at her chair, I realized she forgot her journal there.

"You forgot your-" I was about to say, but I realized she was already gone.

I guess she won't mind I keep it safe at my place for the night. I pick up the notebook and slip it inside my jacket.

Stolen (A Tupac Fanfiction Love Story) (Unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now