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It had been 4 weeks since i had taken Regulus to the hospital wing and in those 4 weeks all i found out is that he is alive because he did this to himself they had to inform his parents and now they know o one is allowed to see him except them i don't know if he is awake if he i s alive or is he is ok i don't know anything. I tried to sneak in there under my invisibility cloak which would have worked expert there was a house elf there and when i asked siri about is he said that kreacher is probable keeping gard the hole reason he did what he did was because he was scared his parents were going to take him and now that they know what he has done im scared they are i've told siri and remus this but they told me there is nothing i can do and that reg wouldn't let that happen.

It was coming up to week 5 when i was finally told something but it was nothing about it was nothing to do with his health or anything good.

"James i need to talk to you"
"What up mate"
"it's about reggie"
"What happened is he ok"
"He is awake but my parents have pulled him out of hogwarts he gave me this to give you"

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes as he passed my the note i didn't want to read it i had told him i wouldn't let them do this and i knew what he was going to say or i thought i did


My love i am so sorry for what has happened and i know i shouldn't have done it but what is done is done my parents have pulled me out of hogwarts and forbidden me to see you they threatened you and your family and they promised no harm would come to you if i left you and i love you too much to watch you get hurt over me i am not worth it i want you to find someone who deserves your love and be happy my parents have got my a arranged marriage which will happen in 3 month a couple week after my birthday they want me married as soon as possible

I love you so much and you don't deserve this

I'm so sorry


I could no longer stop the tears from falling down my face and ta that moment i was glad to not be in the common room i didn't want sirius and remus to see me like this but i couldn't stop the tears from coming i could hear sirius talking to me but it was like he was on the the other side of the room and not right next to me i just passed him the note and thought throw everything that had gone wrong the boy i loved was gone he was going to get married and there was nothing that i could do about it.

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