Family dinner

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To say Sirius was stressed was an understatement.
He was sat next to Remus and James with regulus on James other side and opiate us were Lyle and hope lupin and James parents and they going to announce they we're pregnant Sirius had started showing so it was now or never.

"Well as you know me and Remus are engaged" I said slowly Remus parents had been surprised when we had told them about being engaged and at first they weren't sure but after a while they came around to it Remus had suggested going with the technical approach all about the mate bond and I could think of a better way so I was leaving it all up to him.
"Well we are also mates which for Sirius wouldn't have meant anything if he hadn't been and animagi but he is which basically means we are soulmates.
All werewolf's have mates and animagi only have a mate if they are mates with another creature now we always thought that Sirius animagi form was a grim till recently we found out was not true but he was actually and omega wolf which basically means he can get pregnant" Everyone looked at Remus in shock but it was his dad that spoke
"And how did you figure this out" his voice low this time Sirius stood up and raised his t-shirt slowly reeling a small bump he had been hiding under an oversized hoodie.
All the parents were silent until Lyle stood up and and looked at his son.
"You got him pregnant" he asked slowly Remus just nodded but Sirius did speak up
"We didn't know it could happen and we should have been more careful but it has and we are excited even for an omega wolf male pregnancy is rare and there is a high chance that this will be the only chance we have to have children because it will only get harder to have children as I get older and not like women were they struggle once they reach 50 or something for an omega would it 25, 30.
We have made our decision about everything we just want you support"

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