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They all arrive in the room of requirements and collapsed onto the sofa a lot had just happened nobody said anything for along time

"So you and remus are engaged"

"So are you and regulus"

After that they all just sat there in silence and regulus was the first to break the silence he looked like he hadn't slept in days and like he had not eaten properly

"I'm so sorry for leaving I didn't know what else todo I was scared they were going to kill you"

But before another word would come out of his mouth James had him in his arms and let the boy cry into his chest whispering words into his ears. they just sat like that for a long while regulus crying and James holding him they didn't notice Sirius and remus leaving they only realised when the room of requirement started to change they looked around the room around them changed from a floo room to what looked like a smaller cosier version of Gryffindor common room they moved to the large red sofa in-front of the fire and James pulled a blanket over them and it wasn't long till regulus was asleep and James was left with his thoughts.

he was engaged to the boy he loved his parents had been great when he came out but getting married he was only just 17 he didn't mind his age but he was worried about his parents as much as they were different from all the other pure bloods they were still raised ti believe in pure blood marriages and same-sex marriages and no matter how many times they told him they supported him he was already worried.

he new it would also be better to tell them in person because it was not something he wanted to right in a letter and he wanted to do it soon. he looked down at the boy laying in his arms and any doubts about is parents left him he would do anything for this bot he would do absolutely anything to stop this boy from being hurt then he already has and he realised that he would do anything for regulus black to be happy an the would do anything to keep him safe.

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