Chapter 1

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Somewhere over the 5-in thick wall, you heard wailing. The clock on your wall read 11:29, 4-year-old Jane must be awake from a nightmare. You yawned, growing more and more exhausted from typing pages of the essay for your psychology class. The topic is about deviants in a society that uses stratification as a way to discriminate. At the core of it, you never know what someone is going through. You waited for the inevitable knock, and it came right on time. You stood up and stretched, it was a routine.

When you opened the door, you saw a pair of drained eyes. No one could believe that she was only a few years older than you. "I'm sorry," Ji Eun sighed, "Can you come over?"

You nodded without hesitations. Ji Eun and her husband, Seokjin, moved into the complex a few months after giving birth to their shy yet energetic daughter, Jane. At the time, you were living with your brother, but he moved out to be with his fiance. From time to time, Ji Eun would ask you to babysit Jane, which you didn't mind at all because you tolerate kids and they make you food whenever you're up late, studying for finals. They became your second family and Jane is about the only kid you enjoy hugging. As she grew older, she began having nightmares. Her parents tried everything to soothe their daughter, like herbal medicine, aromatherapy, even taking her to the temple to meditate. Nothing has helped until you randomly sang to her one night while her parents were out of town for a work meeting. You thought it was just a coincidence, but it worked like a charm. The nightmares are slowly decreasing, but you offer to help any chance you could.

Ji Eun walked slowly back to her apartment, her husband meeting her at the door to support her back and belly. She could burst any second. You applauded them for wanting more kids and she teased that one day, you'll want kids of your own. Doubtful, you reminded her, you could never be a good mother considering you didn't grow up with one. The living room was completely dark, they must have been asleep. A small night light lit up Jane's scared face. Her eyes twinkled when she saw you. "Y/N~" she whined raising her arms for you to hug her, which you complied. She smelled of soft vanilla from her favorite shampoo. Her big eyes remained fixated on you.

"Are you okay, little one?"

She shook her head, "I saw a big monster with long claws trying to take me away."

While you shouldn't psychoanalyze everyone you meet, you couldn't help it with Jane's case. She has never witnessed anything traumatic in her life, so there's no reason for her to have this recurring nightmare. You shook off the thought and brushed her hair back. "He's not going to hurt you, I'll stay with you until you sleep, okay?"

"Okay~ Can I see you tomorrow too?" she asked quietly.

"Of course, sweet thing," you smiled, "I have to take you to the aquarium, remember?"

"I'll see the big fishies," she said, closing her eyes. You patted her gently, humming a familiar tune that she likes so much. It was a random song from your childhood, you have no memory of ever hearing it, but it's been stuck in your head ever since you could talk. Jimin said you used to have a wild imagination and would make up songs when you were younger. He said you could make it as a singer, but you figured he was just being nice as your brother. You miss him, but you're thrilled that he has found someone as amazing as Taehyung to marry.

Jane fell asleep within minutes but you stayed with her a little bit longer to make sure she's alright. She's a heavy sleeper, she'll be fine until morning. By the time you got back to the living room, Ji Eun was still awake. She sat on the couch, looking at the swaying curtains from the spring breeze."Are you okay, unnie?"

She glanced up and invited you to sit next to her, "I can't thank you enough for helping us out."

"It's nothing, I love Jane and you all have been so nice to me," you replied. Ji Eun was the sister you never had. Not that Jimin isn't enough but you've always wanted a strong female figure to look up to and to fill the hole left by your absent mother. When you were struggling to live by yourself Ji Eun would talk to you every night and teach you how to look after yourself properly. She gave you advice about not just being a woman, but also a person. You admired her a lot for achieving her dreams but workwise and relationship-wise. You wanted what she and Seokjin have or what Jimin and Taehyung have, but being in a relationship really scares you. It's not about the commitment, it's about fearing the other person will fall out of love with you long before saying anything. You didn't want people to stay with you out of obligations, which is why you practically forced Jimin to move in with Tae, and why it took forever for you to really trust Ji Eun.

"I'm worried I won't be able to provide for both my kids," she cried, you took her in for a hug. "What if I'm not a good mother?"

You straightened up, patting her back. "A good mother questions her ability, and a good mother stays through everything. You're a great mom and you will always be."

"And so will you, Y/N."

You chuckled, "Let's not take it that far. Now go back to bed, I'll sleep here for the night in case she wakes up again." She nodded and headed back to her room where her loving husband is. You strode over to the spare room where you stay some night whenever you get drunk with Ji Eun, when she's not pregnant or nursing of course. Your eyes shut, you wondered when you'll get to go to bed in the arms of someone you love. Ugh, you internally groaned. For now, you're just enjoying the sound of the city.

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