Chapter 17

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It happened in an instant. Just as quickly as he had entered your life, he disappeared from it. Not quite physically, since he was still in the apartment next door, but he was no longer by your side. He no longer allowed you to sing him to sleep at night. Dinners at the apartment went back to being scarce and cold. It was as if the last few months never happened. When Ji Eun and Seokjin asked about it, you didn't know what to tell them. The trip happened a few weeks ago. He never went to the hotel and when you got home, no one knew where he was at. But he made his first appearance a few days later and the walls were up, he hasn't looked at you once. You thought back to the confession, maybe it wasn't the best idea to do it. Still, it was wrong the way it all went down.

"Y/N," your professor called out. The paper was completed before the trip. As expected, he had impeccable timing. Or maybe he was waiting for the day it would be over so that he could go back to secretly hating you.

"Yeah, sorry," you said absently. You had set up this meeting to turn it in, you didn't want to think about it anymore.

She sighed, you didn't say much about what had happened in the last few months but she could infer. "It's a good paper," she finally said. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For making redo it," she offered. "If I hadn't, maybe it wouldn't be like this...."

You shrugged, "Well I think it would have happened regardless. I'm sure I would have still fallen in love despite his warning, and it would have resulted in the same hurt." Tears formed. It should have been a red flag, his anger, his indifference, mood swings. But you overlooked them. It was you who had a complex, of thinking you can fix people. You're not that special.

"Are you okay?"

You thought about what it meant to be okay. You can still walk, breathe, be human. You still had a job, nice friends, people that cared about you. It was just one less, and you would survive. Life goes on. "I think I'm okay, but I'm fine at all." She nodded and watched you shut the door on your way out.

At the company, Yoongi and Namjoon continued on JK's album. It was coming to a close and Yoongi mindlessly listened to the final setlist. His young companion noticed his trouble. "Are you okay hyung?"

Yoongi took a breath and offered a smile, "Yeah, I'm okay." He wasn't. He hadn't slept in weeks because everytime he closed his eyes, it wasn't his father that he saw. It was you. You standing in the ocean of lights with tears in your eyes. The tears that he caused. "Hey, Namjoon,"


Yoongi swallowed hard before continuing, "Why don't you ask Y/N out on a date?" He was thankful his voice was stable and convincing, even to him.

Namjoon's eyes widened and hints of red flooded his cheeks, "What? Why?"

"I mean, you like her right? I think you should go for it."

"I guess I'm just surprised," Namjoon admitted. "To be honest, I thought you liked her."

It caught Yoongi off guard, he didn't think anyone would notice but Namjoon was quite observant. "Um, no, I just tolerate her."

Namjoon nodded slowly, "Right...But if you say I should, then I'll go call her right now." He stood up from his chair and walked out the room. Yoongi sat back and let his head fall back on the couch. It was what he wanted but he couldn't stop his heart from aching. It would be for the best, Yoongi thought to himself, the best for you. When Namjoon came back, there was a brilliant grin on his face and Yoongi could guess that it went well. He didn't need to ask about it, it would kill him to know. So he stayed quiet the rest of the session.

The day went on like a blur and he dragged his feet to the lobby. Namjoon practically skipped home to get ready for his date with you today. A hand caught Yoongi's shoulder before he reached the door. "Jimin?"

"I need to have a word with you," he said in a low voice that Yoongi couldn't imagine such a small frame could possess. He followed the blonde boy to an empty practice room. Yoongi thought he was about to be ambushed, but it was just Jimin.

"What is it-" Before he could get a sentence out, his face was met with Jimin's fist. It knocked him back a few steps. "What the hell Jimin?!" Yoongi growled, cupping his bruising cheek.

"I know you love her," Jimin yelled, his chest puffing.


"I know you love my sister, don't try to deny it."

Yoongi slumped, letting his body fall to the wooden floor. He sat, looking up at Jimin. "She deserves better," he said after a long pause.

"That's not up to you," Jimin was furious. Namjoon told him what happened, how Yonogi had told him to ask you out, and how there would be a date tonight. "That's not up to anyone to decide but Y/N."

"Why does it matter?" he groaned.

"Because she's in love with you and if you let her go on this date, both of them will get hurt."

"Namjoon will make her happy," Yoongi mumbled quietly. It was the truth, he couldn't think of a fault for Namjoon. The occasional breaking of stuff was irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

"But he's not you," Jimin returned. "I wish it was Namjoon too, honestly. You're so unstable and selfish. But I can see that you love her and she wants you, so that's enough for me." When Yoongi didn't say anything, he pressed on. "If you don't stop that date, you will regret this for the rest of your life."

Yoongi bit his lips, he knew Jimin was right. He couldn't let you go, he couldn't let someone else take his spot. He would be selfish just once more. With that, he ran. 

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